September 2013 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: September 2013

Using Disqus commenting system on blogger is a great way to personalize blog. Disqus provides

 commenting system better than blogger commenting system and mostly people use this also to 

make money. But many people are not aware of Disqus when they start blogging. They get huge

comments on their posts and when they get know about disqus, it’s to late because they already got 

comments on blogger comments and they do not change their comment system because they think 

that disqus would remove all their previous comments. Well here is a good news for those users 

who want to replace their blogger comment system with disqus without removing comments.

Disqus provides a great feature which help you to import your comment from blogger to disqus. 

You can easily replace blogger comment system with disqus without loss of comments.
Comment Boxes For Blogger

Just Follow the Below Steps to Import Comments from Blogger to Disqus

  • Log-In to your Disqus Account. You can also Log-In using fb/twitter or G+ Account

  • Click on your Picture at top right and Click Admin on dropdown Menu

  • Go on Discussion tab and a drop down menu will appear. Select your Blog and you’ll be directed to Discussion page 

  • Click on Import Button at top left

  • You’ll be directed on Page. Select Blogger

  • Click Import Comment form Blogger

  • A window will open and will ask your Permission. Click on Grant Access(Blue Button)

  • After Clicking you’ll be directed to Blog page. Choose your Blog and Click Import

Congrats! You are Done! Your comments will be shown on Disqus within 24 Hours