November 2013 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: November 2013

This is a great encoder which will encode your Adsense or other codes so that you can easily Place

it on Your Blog Template.

How to use it:

  • Place the Html Code inside the Below Box and Click Convert
  • Copy the Converted Code and Paste it where you want to!

If you are using a custom domain, then you might see this problem when your blog doesn’t open

without www, I also got this problem when i switched to custom domain. My blog was not showing

without www, I had to place www before the address to open my Blog. Well, then i came up to

the solution. It is quite Easy to Solve This Problem.

Just Follow the Below Steps to Open your Blog without www

  • Now Navigate to ‘Publishing‘ Area
  • There you will see your Custom Domain, Click ‘Edit

                      “Redirect to”

  • After Ticking, Click Save

Congrats! You are Done, This may take some time to do Process so wait for a day or two.
This tutorial has been written for Newbies who want to Add Multiple Authors in their blog so that they

might write a guest post for them.It is easy to add authors in blogger so that they could be allowed to

edit your blog or to write posts on your blog. As guest authors are very important for a blog because

sometimes when you are not in mood of blogging, your guest authors will write posts for you.

Follow the Below Instructions to Add Multiple Authors In your Blogger Blog

  • Navigate to Permission tab
  • You will see your Blog Authors in ‘Blogs Author’
  • Enter your Guest Email in the Box,

Note: You must enter one email in one line

  • After Adding Email, Click Invite Author

You are Done!. Tell your Author to Check his mail and log-In with his Account on Blogger to get to

your Blog.

Today I am sharing Floating Facebook Like Box with fully Customization. I have changed its logo and

made it quite attractive and Beautiful. You must try it on your blog to boost your Fb like.

Follow the Below Steps to Add this widget into Blogger

  • Click Add Gadget In sidebar Section
  • Scroll Down and select Html/Javascript
  • Paste the Below Code In the Html Box

// .w2bslikebox{background: url(“”) no-repeat scroll left center transparent !important;display: block;float: right;height: 270px;padding: 0 5px 0 46px;width: 245px;z-index: 99999;position:fixed;right:-250px;top:20%;} .w2bslikebox div{border:none;position:relative;display:block;} .w2bslikebox span{bottom: 12px;font: 8px “lucida grande”,tahoma,verdana,arial,sans-serif;position: absolute;right: 6px;text-align: right;z-index: 99999;} .w2bslikebox span a{color: #808080;text-decoration:none;} .w2bslikebox span a:hover{text-decoration:underline;}

Congrats! You are Done. 

Feel free to ask any question in Below Comments:)

Today I am going to share a Popup Facebook Like Box for Blogger which would help you to boost

your Fb Likes, This is an attractive and Beautiful widget which popup when someone open your blog.

Using this widget on your blog is a great way to get Fb likes

Just follow the below steps to add this popup widget into blogger

  • Click Add Gadget on sidebar
  • Paste the Below code there In Html section

#itbfanback {
#itbfan-exit {
#itbfanbox {
margin:-220px 0 0 -375px;
-webkit-box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px 0 #939393;
-moz-box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px 0 #939393;
box-shadow: inset 0 0 50px 0 #939393;
-webkit-border-radius: 5px;
-moz-border-radius: 5px;
border-radius: 5px;
margin: -220px 0 0 -375px;
#itbfanclose {
background:url( repeat;
.remove-borda {
margin:0 auto;

// jQuery.cookie = function (key, value, options) {

// key and at least value given, set cookie…
if (arguments.length > 1 && String(value) !== “[object Object]”) {
options = jQuery.extend({}, options);

if (value === null || value === undefined) {
options.expires = -1;

if (typeof options.expires === ‘number’) {
var days = options.expires, t = options.expires = new Date();
t.setDate(t.getDate() + days);

value = String(value);

return (document.cookie = [
encodeURIComponent(key), ‘=’,
options.raw ? value : encodeURIComponent(value),
options.expires ? ‘; expires=’ + options.expires.toUTCString() : ”, // use expires attribute, max-age is not supported by IE
options.path ? ‘; path=’ + options.path : ”,
options.domain ? ‘; domain=’ + options.domain : ”, ? ‘; secure’ : ”

// key and possibly options given, get cookie…
options = value || {};
var result, decode = options.raw ? function (s) { return s; } : decodeURIComponent;
return (result = new RegExp(‘(?:^|; )’ + encodeURIComponent(key) + ‘=([^;]*)’).exec(document.cookie)) ? decode(result[1]) : null;

if($.cookie(‘popup_user_login’) != ‘yes’){
$(‘#itbfanclose, #itbfan-exit’).click(function(){
$.cookie(‘popup_user_login’, ‘yes’, { path: ‘/’, expires: 7 });


Congrats! Your are Done! If you get any problem while installing, let us know by commenting below

Forums are the places where people can ask their questions with experts. It is an online community

of people. There is big advantage for Bloggers who want to increase their blog Pagerank. Many of the

forums have top 10 Google Pagerank and they allow you to place your link in the answers or

questions. The big advantage is that most of them comment system are dofollow, means that if you

place your blog link in comment, the Pagerank of the Page will be shared with you and you will also

get the PageRank.

Below I am Listing top 10 Forums with High PageRank, find the topic related to you and ask question

or answer the one.

Page Rank = 6

Page Rank = 5

Page Rank = 6

Page Rank = 5

Page Rank = 8

Page Rank = 7

Page Rank = 2

Page Rank = 5

Page Rank = 6

That’s All! I hope these forums will help you to Increase your Blog PageRank.

Google is opened by millions of users per second and mostly people use Google Search Engine to

find specific artilcle so you have a big chance to get your blog top on Google and the best way to Get

on Google is to improve blog Seo. Seo stands for Search Engine Optimization means that you have

to optimize your blog to get liked by Google. Today I am sharing some important tips for improving

your blog Seo and it would also improve your blog Page Rank

These days, i have been finding the other ways of improving seo and got some best ways which

improved my blog Seo and Pagerank
Directory Submission is the unique way to improve your blog Seo and get traffic. You can submit

blog to hundreds of Directories of which some of the few popular ones i am listing Below. Submit

your blog address to these directories.
Sitemap Submission is the most important step for improving blog seo as it helps Google to crawl

your blog posts and hence it will be easy for Google to display your Blog. You can submit your blog

sitemap to Google Webmaster tool and it will automatically crawl your all blog posts.

Submit your Blog Sitemap To Google

Internal linking is the best way to Flow Google Pagerank to all your Blog Posts and hence it would also improve your blog Seo. Internal Linking is the Linking of your Blog Posts with Each Other. You can also Exchange links with other blogs to get their PageRank on your Blog.
What is Blog Internal Linking?
How to Link Exchange With Other Blogs
Getting Traffic and Improving Pageviews for Post titles and Images Optimization is a unique and an

effective way. 50% of People search article from Google Image Search Results so displaying your

blog image in Google Image Search Results and getting traffic from Images is not a bad idea.
How to Optimize Blog Images

You should also Use friendly post title so that visitor finds your post easily on Google. Your Post title

should be search engine friendly nd should contain easy words and your Title length should not

exceeds 66 letters.
Google Adwords is one of the best services provided by Google and by using Google Adwords, you

can get a lot of benefit from it.

How to Use Google Adwords Effictively

Google Adwords helps you to find best keywords for your Blog Posts and you can easily find best

keyword for your post title. You can also find keywords by relevance.
Blog Speed plays an important role in improving traffic and Seo. It has been observed that visitors

only wait for 3-4 seconds for a site to load so you must have to optimize your blog speed so that

visitor might not get distracted.

Check your Blog Loading Speed