Category: Blog
BitcoLoan is a NEW Cryptocurrency Lending and Investing Site!
BitcoLoan is not any financial institution or a bank. Its main benefit is to help people find what they’re looking for. BitcoLoan finds a lender for people in need of money. Besides, BitcoLoan offers a bunch of investment options for those who seek to make their assets work for them. Using BitcoLoan P2P crypto lending…
The Pros And Cons Of No-Fault Divorce Laws | InfoTechblogging
The Origins of No-Fault Divorce: In 1970, California changed the way people look at divorce and made it a lot easier to get out of a marriage by passing the second no-fault divorce law in the United States. In 1953, Oklahoma passed the countries first no-fault divorce laws doing away with the need to find…
Steps Involved in the Divorce Process | InfoTechBlogging
Are you considering divorce and wondering what the process will be like? Your state’s divorce laws will determine what steps you go through during the divorce process. Below is a broad outline describing the sequence of events for most divorce cases. Keep in mind that every divorce is different so, along with these steps you will have…
6 Mistakes to Avoid During the Divorce Process | InfoTechBlogging
One of the biggest mistakes individuals make during the divorce process if failing to protect themselves financially. Divorce is filled with emotions and emotions get in the way of navigating the divorce process in a manner that is beneficial to one’s financial security and ability to move on to a stable life, post-divorce. Tips for Avoiding Divorce…
Top 4 Worst Reasons to Get a Divorce – Infotechblogging
Whether a couple divorces or not is their choice. Over the years I’ve heard some strange and at times silly reasons people use for divorcing a spouse. If you no longer wish to be married, fine but please put some thought into the answer you give your spouse when they ask you “why?” And, more importantly,…
11 Pieces of Divorce Advice for Women | InfoTechBlogging
1. Start a War Chest: You are going to need your own money for a divorce. You will have to be able to maintain yourself and your children for a while if you are dependent on your spouse and your spouse decides to cut off support. You will also probably need funds to hire a lawyer.…
8 Steps From Beginning to End of a Contested Divorce | InfoTechBlogging
In a contested divorce, the spouses are unable to come to an agreement on issues such as child custody and division of marital assets. In such situations, the litigation process takes longer to conclude. When spouses can’t agree they either hire a divorce mediator or, go before the court and the court will make the…
GPs cause the most accidents: how your job affects your car insurance
GPs have been named the most accident-prone profession for the fifth year in a row, with a study by Go Compare finding that doctors are most likely to make an at-fault claim on their car insurance. We explain which professions attract the highest rate of car insurance claims, and what you can do to save…
American College Students Look North to Canada | Infotech Blogging
American students shopping for colleges increasingly look to Canada for good deals. For a modest but growing population, the Great White North is the Promised Land, a relief from astronomical tuition, an asylum from student loan debt, and a place slightly removed from the ugly tenor of American politics. And if you don’t mind super-cold…