June 2013 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: June 2013

Today I am not going to describe every point too much but will give you some tips on writing a post. Writing a post is not a big task, you just have to gather some information adn write it on your post but your post should have some quality so that it could get show on Google and Get some pagerank.
Today I am Sharing Some Good Tips which you should Apply on Your Article In order to write article, you should choose keyword for article. You can choose keyword using Google Adwords Tool and place that keyword in your whole post.
Placing keywords on specific lines is a great way to improve Seo. Place you blog’s Keywords in the first 2-3 lines of your blog so that these keywords also appears on Google’s Search Results description.
Top 5 Seo Tips Write rich in your article and do not copy content from other blogs because your blog would appear as fake and Google only likes the blog who write original content on their blog.If you are sharing a widget or writing some tips, Don’t forget to write at least 2-3 lines of description about your articles How to Use Google Adwords Tool

Internal linking is the great way to to improve Seo and Google’s Page-rank  You can boost up your traffic using Internal Linking. You can link you blog posts with one another

Featured Post:

What Is Internal Linking

I hope you like my post, Feel free to ask anything in Comments

Adsense is a great way to make money from a Blog but many bloggers get rejected from Adsense due to some copyright issues or some other issue. If you got your Adsense rejected, don’t lose hope because there are many other ways to make money from a blog without Adsense. Today i am telling you tops 3 ways to make money from your blog without using Adsense
There are top Adsense alternatives and they pay nearly the same amount per cpc or cpm as Adsense. You can try these as many of them will not review your blog but you can easily make account and you can start making Money
Best Adsense Alternatives
There are many Adsense alternatives such as Qadabra, infolinks etc. 
 This is the best way to make money from a blog. You can place referal banners take from some online store and whenever someone buys anything by your refer, you will get 20-30% commission  You can find many online stores such as eBay, amazon. Just join their affiliate program. You can also join Godaddy or Namecheap Affiliate programs. I am using Godaddy Affiliate program
Top Affiliate Marketing Sites to Join
 This is also a great way to make money from your blog. Sell your blog space to advertiser and set a fixed amount of a space. You can use these sites to Sell your Space. You can use BuySellAds to sell your space to Advertiser and you can make huge amount of money by selling your Ad Space or your can make advertise page on your blog and Sell your Space directly by Bank Transfer or other methods

I hope you like this article, Fell free to ask any question in Comments.

Using Adsense is a great way to make money from your blog. Adsense provides big range of banner ads with different sizes that fits into your blog. It’s a great advantage to make money from Adsense as they provides quality ads with high cpc and cpm rates than other advertising networks  however you need some hard word to get Adsense. Today I will instruct you how to apply for Adsense from Blogger or Custom Domain

Before applying to Adsense, Check their minimum requirements

Applying for A Custom Domain:

  • Click this link to go to Adsense
  • Enter Your Email and Password And Click Sign In

  • After Signing In, you will be redirected to Your Website information Page
  • Enter your Blog URL and Content Language of your Blog and Click Continue

  • After Clicking, You will be directed to next step. Enter your Contact Information by filling the form correctly

  • Click Resubmit and your application will be Submitted

  • You will see a submitting message as shown in above image. 
  • It will take 2-3 days to get your Site Reviewed by Google
  • If you get rejected by Adsense, Don’t loose hope, There are many alternatives to Google

I hope this article has helped you, if you feel any confusion. Feel free to ask in Comments

Yesterday i was editing my template. I wanted to place my two widgets in a same row but i could not find any method to align two ads in a same row, then i got an idea and i aligned two ads by using table tag.
You can also Easily align two ads per row by using this easy Code
Paste this Code there where you want ads to appear or you can also align two widgets in a same row
Just paste the below code on your template where you want this widget to appear


  • Change ADSENSE CODE 1 with your Adsense code
  • Change ADSENSE CODE 2 with your Adsense code

Categories or Labels widget is very important for a blogger, it helps the visitor to explore your site easily and you will get a lot of traffic from this. Today i am sharing a labels widget which you can easily add to blogger

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Layout Tab
  • Click Add Gadget
  • Click Add Html/Javascript
  • Paste the below code in the Box

Get this

  • Click Save and you are done!


Change Links with your blog Labels Links and change their number with your number of posts per label

Deleting Facebook page is an easy task but some people finds it difficult, today I am going to tell you that how you can delete Facebook page easily. Just follow the Simple Steps Easily and you will get your Facebook page deleted in few seconds

  • Go to Facebook
  • Log-In to your account
  • You will see your Pages at left center, Click on the page you want to delete

  • After Opening the page,  Click Edit info Button at top right

  • After clicking, You will be redirected to the  Settings Page
  • Go to the bottom and you will see Delete your Page option, Click Edit on right

  • On clicking, You will see a message about confirmation and duration of deletion of page
  • Click Delete Your Page

  • A popup window will open, click Delete page and tick the unpublished this page

Congratulation! your page will be deleted in 14 Days

Recently i read some Seo techniques and applied it on my blog, And i found some major tips for bloggers. Seo helps your blog to get ranked on Google, you can drive a lot of traffic to your blog Below are some tips to get Ranking, i hope you like these

Your article must be unique and should be of great quality. You should write length post and your post should be to the point so that the visitor would not get bored on reading lengthy articles on your blog. Google like the blogs which have good keywords and rich contents. 

Choosing a title:

Your post title should not be more than 66 characters because Google did not index the posts whose title length is more than 66 words

Choosing A keyword:

Choose a keyword for your post and use it in your post. Keywords is the basic thing which helps your blog to appear on Google  Use high rates keywords so that your blog appear in SERP. You can use Google Ad-words tools for that. 

Featured Post:
How to Use Google Adwords

Update your blog daily because Google like fresh contents on the blog and do write at-least 2-3 post per day

Blog updating is very important for better Seo as well as getting blog visitor

If you are posting daily, then your subscriber would check your blog daily

Submitting your blog to google is the basic key to get on google search results. 

Featured Posts:

Submit your Blog’s Sitemap To Google Submit your Blog to Google Go to webmaster tool and submit your blog there and add a sitemap of your blog Also Submit Your Blog at Google Blog Submitting page

Qadabra provides a great menu of which you can easily see you ad units and Clicks. You can easily create placements and get the ad code in one click

Feedburner is launched by Google and is greatly used by bloggers. Feedburner helps you subscribe other blogs and get their posts news regularly. It is used for linking your blog with your pages. Getting Feedburner is an easy procedure Just follow the below instructions to get feedburner on your blog

  • Go to Feedburner
  • Log-In using your Gmail’s account
  • You will be directed towards your Blog feeds.
  • Select your Blog
  • You will see a Feed icon at top left

  • Click this icon
  • A new windows will be open and it will show you your blog feeds
  • Copy the URL of the window

You are done! the URL you have copied is your blog’s feed address

Networked blogs is a great site to connect blogger with social sites. It helps you to place your posts links on Facebook  twitter and other social sites. It is free and you can easily use it to connect blogger with social sites. It can give you huge amount of traffic to your blog daily. Networked blogs post your all posts links on social sites on which you would like to paste. Just Follow the below instructions to Use networked blogs

  • Log-In using your Facebook
  • Paste your Blog Url In Blog Link Field

  • After Click Next, You will see the Registration Form, Fill the form Correctly and click Next

  • If you are the Author of the blog, Click Yes

  • After Clicking, You will be asked to verify the authorship. Click Install widget

  • Now you will be given two codes i.e. for WordPress and Blogger

  • Copy the Code and Go to blogger dashboard >> Layout >> Add Gadget >> Html/Javascript  and paste the code there and save it

  • You can add it to WordPress by clicking Add text to Sidebar and Paste the Code There and save it.
  • Click Verify Now and You will see verification Message
  • Click Refresh the page to See Changes

  • You will be directed towards your profile
  • Click “Activate automatic syndication to Facebook and Twitter”

  • You will be redirected to syndication page
  • Choose your blog
  • Choose Where you would like to publish post by Click on the Facebook and Twitter Icons
  • After Choosing, You are done! Page will look like this

Now when will you publish a post, Your post link will automatically be post on your social Sites

Page-rank makes its important in getting page views from Google and other search engines. Having higher page rank can boost up your Blog’s traffic. Today i will try my best to give you some important tips on page-rank. Page rank is an algorithm used by Google and other search engines to find their importance of your blog’s links. Google analyses your site and gives the rank of your page 1-10. There are many methods your get increase your page rank and make your blog among top ten Page Ranks make your blog appear on top on Google Search Results. Page Rank also increase the importance of your blog hence you will get huge amount of traffic from Google. It also helps you to make money easily from advertiser, advertiser always sees the Page-rank of the blog Today i am telling your the top tips to increase Page-rank. Below are some great tips to increase your Google Page-rank Google Page Ranking depends on the quality and originality of your Blog’s content. You should write original  content with no copyright issue. Google likes the blog whose content is unique and original

Check Your Blog’s Content Originality

Your article should be of good content, You should write post with efficiency so that Google finds your site easily.

How to Write Posts Efficiently

You should place maximum keywords in your 1st paragraph of your blog post so that Google finds your post easily. Internal linking helps your blog posts to attain page-rank.

How to link Exchange From Other blogs

Internal linking helps your blog posts to connect with each other and you will also get a lot of pageviews from this technique. This method helps Google to index your all site’s page and due to linking you will get all pages ranked. Writing articles on High Ranked Blog is the best way to get Google Page Rank. it is also linking but with other blogs. If you write some articles on some good page ranked blogs then Google, in result will give you the Page Rank.
Can Guest Posting increase Page Rank?
Top 5 Blogs where you can write Guest Post In order to increase page-rank, you must write 2-3 articles daily as Google like to place fresh content on SERP so updating your blog’s article daily helps you to attain Page Rank
How to Write Posts Efficiently

This is the great method to earn pagerank. Posting your article links on social sites can also bring you pageviews and likes for your blog, 

That’s all. There are some more major important tips but first you should follow these tips to get Page Rank Hootsuite is a great app which connects your blog with social sites and its easy to use. You can easily sign up with them and use their services. It’s free to use and you can also buy their extra services Follow the below instructions to Use HootSuite:

  • Click Sign Up button at top right

  • You will be redirected to sign up option page where you can choose your plan, Click Get Started Now in the FREE Box if you want it free

  • You will be redirected to the Registration form

  • Fill up the form Correctly and Click Submit
  • After Signing up, Go to Your Dashboard

  • Click on Connect with Twitter Button
  • A popup windows will appear

  • Click Connect to twitter and you will be connected 
  • Similarly connect all your accounts which you want to connect

You can only connect 5 accounts or Pages in free account

  • Click on the Setting icon at left panel and a drop down menu will appear
  • Click Rss/Atom

  • A popup windows will appear. Click on + button to add Rss/Atom of your Blog

  • Click On Save Feed and You are Done!
  • You can Connect more pages by repeating the 2nd last step

Search Boxes Plays an important role in Getting posts pageviews from single visitor. Search Engine helps the blogger to find his thing on your blog. Search Box allow the visitor to search his keywords and get wanted post from your blog. This is a simple Search Box with no css used. Just follow the Below Steps to get Search Box on Your Blog:

  • Log-In to your blogger Dashboard
  • Go to layout tab
  • Click Add Gadget 
  • Click Html/Javascript
  • Paste the below code in Html section


  • Click Save and you are done

A box at your blog’s sidebar will appear

Placing ads below post titles are the best way to enhance your income. Ads below posts titles are the best place to increase daily clicks.When a visitor opens your post. He become attracted towards ad below post titles. It is easy to place codes below Post Titles Just Follow The Below steps To Add Code:

Float Adsense On Left Or Right On Your Blog

  • Log-In to your Blogger Dashboard
  • Go to Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Find the tag
  • You will see three or four tags.

Get 1000 Pageviews per day Check Your Blog Content Originality

  • Use the 2nd tag
  • Paste Your Ad code just above it

Save Your Template and You are done!