April 2013 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: April 2013

If you want a good traffic to your blog and not getting required traffic so i would advise you to divide your blog catagories into 3 blogs or if your blog have blogger widgets you must have to make a demo blog for their demos and link this blog woth your 1st blog. It will give you a great advantage:

u can add social media in your all blogs and hence get more likes and hits.you can link your all blogs with your first blog and connect your adsense account with all blogs and hence make more money.also add popular posts of your 1st blog in others so that visitors might be attractive towards your first blog. Below are the benefits of setting up multiple blogs
1- Your blogs will will be shown on google search results and will gain more traffic.
2- You will get more likes on social media such as facebook, twitter
3- The main importanat thing is that you will make tripple money
My Opinion: i would advise you to set up multiple blogs in order to boost your tarffic

When you see some top rated website. You will see many guest authors in blog posts. Question arises! Why are they guest posting?. Can guest posting increase traffic of their own blogs. Answer is yes, it guest posting on other blogs can promote your own blog. Here are the following advantages you will get from guest posting on other top blogs of web

1- The main thing is to get page rank and guest posting on top rated blogs will get you good page rank
2- If you want traffic on your blog, then guest posting is a good way to get traffic on your blog
3- Guest posting gives you back links and hence is benefit for you
4- Your can earn more money by placing ads in your post
5- You can get excessive facebook and twitter likes from guest posting

My opinion: i would advise you to guest post on top rated blogs
if you want to create a blog and don’t know much about blogging. You will definitely get confused in choosing blogging platform. I am here to help u getting suitable platform. As you know there are two main blogging platform. Blogger and word press. There are also other platforms but i would not recommend you to use them
below i am listing some advantage and disadvantages of blogger and word press


  • You can apply for ad sense and can place ads in sub domain account
  • There are lot of blogger widgets and you will get beautiful template
  • Free account
  • Free Hosting for Images,videos
  • You can Place Ads on Subdomain
  • Html and Css friendly
  • Powered By Google
  • No Downtime


  • More HTML Work
  • Not easy to use
  • Need to work hard for seo


  • Easy to use
  • Highly Customizable
  • Wide variety of Premium and Free themes
  • Less Javascript, Support Plugin


  • You have to pay for hosting
  • You cannot place ads in their free sub domain account
  • Easier to hack
  • Difficult to Customize

My opinion:
 If you know HTML you can use blogger and if you want your blog to made in easy way, use word press. i would suggest blogger Today i am going to show you a tricks of which you can get 1000 page views per ten minutes  You have to just tun on your computer for 10 Minutes. Just Follow below steps and check your blog after ten minutes and you will be surprised to see your page views


 You will need find 5 different proxies and five different browsers installed on your computer


  • Go to blogger
  • click on template click on edit HTML
  • Find head tag and paste the below line inside tag.


  • Click save button and save your template.
  • Now go to the proxies you have opened in different 


  • Write your blog url there in proxies and wait fo 10 

minutes and check your blog pageviews after 10 

minutes, you will get amazed after viewing your blog 


Getting Adsense is not that difficult,you need to fulfill their requirements and need do some hard work with your blog so that it might not get rejected by Google. Below I have Mentioned some Google’s Basics Policies for your blog to get Adsense

Check These Out:

Float Adsense on Left or Right on your blog

Top Adsense Alternatives

 You Blog content should be original and it should not be posted anywhere else on the web because google like original and rich content. Use high paying keywords on your blog and use rich words on your blog. Google also focus on quality of your blog’s content so write quality contents on your blog posts
Check your Blog’s Content Originality
I cannot say or predict about posts because some bloggers with only 2-3 posts on their blog, get their Adsense approved and some with 30-40 posts get rejected from Adsense, but i would advice you to write at least 25-30 Posts on your blog
How to Write Post Efficiently
  You should buy a top level domain if you want more chances of getting Adsense. Google also approve sub-domain blogs, But going on .com,.net will increase your chances
Check These Out:
Godaddy Biggest Offers:
Float Adsense on Left or Right on your blog
Top Adsense Alternatives
  Your domain Should be at least 6 months old because Adsense will not accept any application of blog less than 6 months. This is the basic policy of adsense, There are very less chances to get account for a blog less than six months
Your blog traffic should be 500-1000 but it should be original. Donot try to take traffic from online proxies otherwise you will get rajected form adsense
 You website must not have any adult content so Google won’t accept your application. You blog should not have adult pictures or videos or __words because hates the blog which use adult content.
Check These Out:
Float Adsense on Left or Right on your blog
Top Adsense Alternatives

Many people make their blog but they don’t know how to get traffic on their blog. The easiest and simplest way to get traffic is to submit your website to different search engines so they should appear in search results.
There are  several search engines you must submit your site 
Below are the list of search engines

1- Google
2- Yahoo
3- Bing

As you know google is top on the web so if you want your blog at top, you have to be friendly with google. Here are some tips to to become google favourite and to get good google’s pagerank
1- Quality Content
 whatever you write must have a quality because google doesn’t like the poor quality content and copyright articles so write your own article and do not copy from other because you may be banned from google. So write your own articles and donot copy any article. You can write article by choosing a friendly topic and then google it and then collect the whole information and write it in your own wording
2-Guest Post
 Guest post is the most effective way to get pagerank, if you want to write guest post!, write articles on the blogs which have good pagerank so that google will give you the same pagerank..
Actually when you write post in a website which have good page rank. You get the links back to your blog and in result, you get the page rank. So keep guest post on other blogs to get good page rank and high traffic
3- Quality Backlinks
In order to get good pagerank, hteir is litle help involved from backlinks to getting you a good pagerank. Get backlinks from top blogs like mybloggertricks and others. Google also have high quality backlinks but donot concentrate to much on backlinks because it won’t help you much.
My Opinion:
 If you want a good pagerank, concentrate on your post quality and write more posts and write some guest post as well
online earning is becoming popular now a days and the best way for blogger to make money is by finding advertiser and place their ads on his blog. Buysellads.com is the best site to make money by advertising method. But on registering, they will reeview your blog and they can deny your registration if your blog does not meet their policy  
i have listed some important policies of which u must have in your blog
1- Your blog must be 6 months old
2- Your blog should have 1k facebook likes
3- Your blog should have good alexa rank
4- Your blog must have good looking template
5- Your blog must have sociial media
6- Your blog must have top 10 pagerank
If your blog meet the requirements then register your blog and get ads on your blog and make money
Many people donot get facebook like and twitter followers and traffic. But here is a simple way to get huge traffic to your blog. Just follow the below steps and you wil get hits of ur blog.
1- Go to addmefast.com
2- register using your email adress
3- Confirm your account from email
4- log in to addmefast and you will get 50 free points for registration 
5- now start liking other people facebook pages and follow other people twitter account
6- If you got enoygh points, click on add site/page and add your site of fb or twitter page url inside it and click on start button.
7- Wait for some time and check your fb page, there will be huge likes on fb.
Now you have got huge traffic and likes and these are 100% original Mostly the people waste time on internet. They want to make money but could not find the money making job.Today i am going to tell u the best way of making money online. But u have to learn some Seo and Html to make money. Today every one wants to make money by using easy way.

Just Follow The Steps To Be A Professional Blogger
Check these out:
Easiest ways to make money

To make money, the easiest way is by setting a blog but u should have some abilities to write articles and if u are expert in writing, then u have come to right place!

First thing on setting a blog is to choose a platform

Choose a Platform:

There are two platforms if u want to set up your blog easily

1: Blogger
2: WordPress

U can choose any platform u want, But i m gonna telling u some advantages and disadvantages of these platforms



1: It is hosted by Google and it”s free

2: u don”t need to buy hosting 

3: u don”t need to buy a domain

4: U can place ads on free accounts


1: There is a lot of Seo work u have to do for getting ur blog placed on top on Google’s page

2: You have to do every thing in HTML, So u have to be Expert in HTML


1: It has not much work of HTML

2: Its easy to use

3: There are plugins for WordPress


1: It’s not free, You have to pay for hosting

2: You cannot place ads on free account

 If u ask my opinion  i would advise you to use WordPress if u can pay for hosting but you can also use blogger if u are expert in SEO.

Setting Up Blog:

if u want to use blogger, You should have a Gmail account. If u have,u Go to blogger.com and log in using your Gmail account. There Crete a new Blog and choose it’s title Note: The title should be Unique Now you have set up your blog Now it’s time to decide what to write. if u r a professional blogger and know about css and html, you can make blogger widgets or customize them.If u r a good write, you can write articles on whatever you like!
 A big successful thing in blogging is Keywords  Choose your site keyword and write this keyword in your every articles 2-3 times. You can get help using Google. Just write your article topic on Google and Google will give you results. Collect the information from different blogs and write it in your own words
After making a blog, how would u get people visiting your site

  1. Submit your site to Google’s Webmaster Tool so that it should occur in search Results
  2. Submit your site to Bing,Yahoo and other Search Engine
  3. Make a page on Facebook
  4. Make a lens in Squidoo
  5. Post on Digg
  6. Post On Delicious
  7. Make Your Twitter username
  8. Make A YouTube Chanel

And a last thing! link these all with your blog

Now If u have a little Traffic, Question Arises

Now Register on one of the sites and u will get the ads code in html and paste it on your site where you want the ads to be displayed. When someone click on the ad, you will get the money and you can make $$$ by placing ads on your site but don’t post so many ads because the more ads you place, less the reader become attractive.

Getting Adsesne account is difficult, your blog have to meet their requirements and still your blog gets rejected, Don’t lose hope because u can try other advertising networks to make money. Below i am listing some adsense and buysellads alternatives, you have to sign up and some of these networks may review you blog
qadabra is an advertising networks and pays you per click (CPC). It place popup ads and image ads on your website
Bidvertiser has a big advertisement range and it is best alternative to adsense. It place text ads and gives you $$. 
If u want to place text ads on your website, you can register with chitika as publisher. Chitika place only text ads of almost every banner size you want to place on your blog so it is good to place chitika ads on your blog
 Cliicksor have a good range of advertising banners, but clicksor does not pay you much money and they have not much advertisers so sometimes their ads will not be shown on your blog
  I should advise you to use all these advertising networks except Clicksor. You will get good money from these networks
sometimes you get rejected from buysellads and you lose hope, but don’t lose hope, there are some other advertising networks. Below i am listing some advertising networks
 adsella is a good advertising network so you should apply for it
 Advertise space is a good advertising network and you should apply for it
I advise you to aplly for both and make some money