Best free SEO tools that can improve your Google Ranking | InfoTechBlogging

We keep promising to help your site beat competitors and increase its ranking for keywords that we target. Keep reading to find out which tools can help you kickstart your site

I’ve tried many of these promising tools in my SEO career. Only a few tools are useful to improve your website, increase sales, and get you on the phone.

Continue reading below (Best free SEO Tools), to find out which tools can help you kickstart your site.

To know more about SEO: 6 Reasons You Can’t Deal Without SEO Tools

1 Google Keyword Planner

Google gives its users many tools to refine their pages, even though the algorithm of their search engine is highly guarded. Google Keyword Planner will suggest the most effective keywords for creating a PPC campaign.

To use the tool, you will need to sign into Google and enter your website address. Next, choose a budget. This is the amount you will spend each day if someone clicks on your advertisement. Next, you choose a target audience. Then, view the keyword bid for that site. This will show you how popular the keyword query is and how often it’s asked via Google.

Google Webmaster Tools is one of the most important and classic tools for sorting and controlling how quickly and seamlessly search engine spiders around the globe are handled.

All things start with Google.

You can use Webmaster Tools to register your sitemap and check if there are any crawling issues due to server problems.

It is recommended that you use it indefinitely to obtain information straight from the source. Bing Webmaster Tools is a similar tool to Google Webmaster Tools.

I want to bring your attention to the disavow feature in Google’s online free SEO tools platform. It can cause irreparable damage to your website if it is not used correctly. If you are a beginner in SEO, it is advisable not to use this tool.


  • Robots can be prevented from processing the page correctly if there are errors detected
  • Find the right keywords
  • Displays the most common links users use

This data will allow us to optimize our website for search engines. We will know which Google queries are being used on your website, and where you have received visits.

3 Google Analytics

Google offers a wide range of data and tools that can be used to help you. Google Analytics is one of these tools, and you can get it for free. They offer data on websites as well as mobile apps. It monitors site traffic and provides clear statistics. We can then identify areas where site weaknesses can be fixed with other tools. Targeted advertising has an undisputed advantage. It allows us to focus on the root cause of the problem, which Google Analytics will detect. They are accessible to those who activate their Google Account.

You will receive the tracking code when you sign up to the service. This is needed to embed the code into your site structure in order to link analytics to your website. The application will be available to you, where you can see many important data. You can see detailed information about your site traffic, bounce rates, session lengths, etc. You can display the data in a graph, or in a tableau. Analytics gives you the ability to access audiences. This is a segment of visitors that are defined based on their demographics and interests. You can then explore their behavior further. The quality of your visits will give you an indication about how many people visited your website and whether or not they converted.

4 Google Search Engine

Would you like to know how Google views your site? Would you like to see how Google views them in comparison with your competitors? Google Search Console allows you to do just that. The original name of the tool was the Webmaster Tool. However, Google decided that it is now widely used and suitable for both webmasters and publishers as well as marketers. It is required that you have a Google Account in order to use this service. You must add your site after signing in. After signing in, the service will generate a code that you can use to add to your website structure. You can then have your site reviewed by the service and get a lot more information.

5 Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO, a popular SEO plugin for WordPress sites, is developed by Dutch Yoast. WordPress is the first SEO in search engines, and not just because of the Yoast SEO plugin.

These add-ons are very useful and allow you to create your sitemap automatically and fix any errors. You can also use it to improve your website by creating shorter headlines and adding meta tags and descriptions for each page or product, as well as clearing out any SEO files that are no longer needed.

This add-on is a classic and valuable addition that does the same job as 10 other add-ons.

Yoast SEO Premium and Yoast Local are the premium add-ons available.

Yoast SEO and similar add-ons are sufficient for WordPress. However, I do not recommend anyone who can replace Yoast SEO features completely.


Keyword analysis is key to search engine optimization. can help you choose the right head. Enter a key phrase, select your location and choose your language. The tool will then give you a complete analysis of the keyword and a range of keywords that may be related to it. Although the tool is completely free, you will only receive two results per IP address for 24 hours. You will receive 5.

7 Google Trends

Google Trends is a great tool that will help you find the world’s interests if you have a Google Account. Simply enter a query, name or key phrase into the field. Google will not be able to assess the global interest in this topic if it is a more general or familiar term. This will allow you to see if there is an interest in the term, person, or combination thereof.

You can also choose to target your interests in a specific country, period, or category. Also, you can select whether search results will be displayed from Google news, Google shopping, and YouTube. It is also possible to compare entered expressions in terms of interest. This will create a graph showing the curve of interest for both terms.

8 Pingdom Website Performance Tool

It is important to measure the site’s speed and each page on the website. These SEO factors, in addition to search engines, will have an impact on the conversion rates of customers to visitors.

Pingdom allows you to measure the speed at which your website loads and determine the most difficult time for your website to load. You can achieve up to 50% more organic search engine traffic by changing a few things.

To make your website look rich, think twice before you crunch your first page. Both the front page and individual pages should be rich in content, but not rich in graphics or heavy photos.

You will be amazed at the difference that your website can make in terms of traffic and customer response to products and services.

Pingdom helped me remove all the heavy WordPress plugins that did not offer any value to the site or made it less user-friendly.

Similar tools to Pingdom include:

Be careful, before you test them, make sure you know where to test services. The speed of the server will be tested from the country where it is located. Your website will have a different speed if it is hosted on a server in another country.

You can access the Xenu app from this address to identify broken links on sites. One of the links might not work if your site is large. It is very difficult to find the link manually. The link could be on a nested page or in a multipage project. Such links may be found by search engines and could lower your page rank.

The application can be downloaded quickly. During the installation, you simply select the folder in which the program will be stored. Click the Check URL button to enter your site address when you start the program. You can also exclude links from the search. You can also specify the search terms and the email address to which you will receive the summary analysis. Click OK, and the application will start to analyze your website. It will take different amounts of time depending on the size of your site. You will be notified at the end that the site has been checked and if the applicant should email a report.

An analysis will reveal broken links, depending on the source or location from which they were linked. It also includes a list of redirecting web pages. A map of your website will also be included. Lastly, you’ll find detailed statistics like how many HTML pages were loaded and how many images were uploaded.

This site contains a range of tools that will help you optimize your website for search engines. You can also access the free Search Engine Optimization course on this site. It is designed for English-speaking people who are fluent in English. The course covers topics such as search engines, keyword phrases, link building, and user experience (UX). You can take a test to prove your knowledge and receive a certificate.

Registering on the site will give you access to extensive optimization analysis tools. You can only do a few keyword surveys and search results analyses if you don’t select any payment method.

These free SEO tools, which I recommend to you, can be used for different tasks including keywords and backlinks. These are completely free SEO tools. So, explore the list and choose the ones that you find most useful and will help you achieve your goals.

SEO depends entirely on your knowledge and expertise. SEO is dependent on your knowledge and expertise.

You can combine the tools to create your SEO strategy.