8 Types of Blogs to Increase Website Engagement and Traffic – Infotechblogging

High-quality content is what all B2B companies need, and a blog is the most optimal platform for releasing such content.

For 55 percent of marketers, blog content creation is their inbound marketing priority.

Your blog is a place where you can have a discussion with your target audience.

It allows you to create a stream of in-depth content that you can share on other channels too, for example on your social media.

By creating blog content, you will receive more links to your website. B2B marketers who use blogs also get 67 percent more leads.

Since most people will only skim through articles online, you must find ways to make your blog content stand out. This can include using headers, bullet lists, images, statistics, videos, and other visual tools to catch you readers’ attention.

Keep in mind that articles that contain images receive 94 percent more traffic.

In case you want to read more about producing content for e-commerce, you can check our earlier post about different ways to create content that makes your traffic convert. 

How to go about creating content for you company blog, then? First, you need to develop ideas for suitable topics.

Here are 8 ways to create new content:

1. Product reviews

Go beyond product descriptions and create an article about one specific product or service.

Choose a product or service that lends itself easily to a thorough analysis. It can be a new product or a well-known bestseller, or something between.

Introduce the product or service, explain how to use it, and try to include some details about its design, development and production.

Explain all the benefits to create a positive image.

2. How-to articles

We’re all familiar with how-to posts and videos from social media.

People enjoy reading and watching these instructions, that’s why they have become so popular.

If your company has developed an application, create an article about how to use it. These articles can also show your target audience different ways of using the same product.

Also read: Does Inbound Marketing Work In B2b?

3. List articles

What you’re reading at the moment is an example of a list article, or listicle.

What makes list articles a good option is that they easy to skim through.

List articles offer a great way to reach out to your target audience as they allow your readers to skip parts that are not relevant to them.

Each part in a list article is a mini article in itself, and this provides you the ability to stop and continue reading anytime you wish.

4. Industry trends and company news

Writing about the latest industry news and trends is a great opportunity to show to your audience that you’re keeping up to date with what is happening in your industry.

You may also want to share company related news or just simply show what is happening behind the scenes of your company.

This will make your audience feel more engaged.

5. Customer feedback and questions

Since your clients ask questions anyway, so why not create an article about the most common questions and answers.

When potential clients are doing their research on your products, such an article comes in handy.

6. Book review

Write a review article about a book relevant to your field.

Even if you’re marketing a niche product, there are books related to it. Find a good one, read it, and share your thoughts.

You may want to attach some screenshots as an illustration.

7. Video post

Don’t limit yourself to writing. Remember that blogs can also include videos.

Your audience will feel more engaged since watching a video provides them with both audio and visual stimulation.

If you feel inspired to shoot a video about a new product or to share news about your company, go for it.


Equipment is easily accessible, and making a video doesn’t have to be expensive these days.

8. Expert interview

Organizing an interview with an industry expert offers the potential for creating high-quality content for an article.

You could collect questions from your readers, and having an expert answer these questions builds your credibility.

Your audience will also appreciate answers from a skilled expert.

How to write content for your blog?

Now that you have come up with some ideas for your e-commerce blog, it’s time to implement those ideas.

We will share some writing tips that can help you improve your blog content:

Try to balance between being informative and concise. Your readers are busy people so show that you appreciate their time by creating only relevant, high-quality content that is also easy to skim through and free of errors.

Proofreading your own text can often be challenging. If you feel like your text could use some editing, there are tools and services that can help you polish your content. You could check the following:

  • Grammarly – a proofreading tool that spots errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar, word choice, and style.
  • Handmadewritings – a website with an extensive selection of writing and editing services that can help you create and edit content.
  • Purdue OWL – an online writing lab that offers useful instructions and resources for writing your text.
  • Readable – a text analysis application that provides statistics about the readability of your text.

Keep it simple. Avoid long sentences and paragraphs. Your text should be smooth and easy to read. Avoid jargon, use subheadings and bullets, highlight important parts in bold, and utilize other visual elements such as images.

Creating content for a blog is a good way to start engaging your target audience.

As a cost-effective marketing tool, blog is ideal for building brand awareness and suitable for companies of any size. By publishing relevant articles about your business, you’re developing long-term assets that go a long way promoting your products or services.

To make the most of your blog, be sure to keep your content polished and up to date. Communicate to your audience as an expert and obtain valuable insights from them.


What are the most common types of blogs?

  1. Product reviews
  2. How-to articles
  3. List articles
  4. Industry trends and company news
  5. Customer feedback and questions
  6. Book review
  7. Video post
  8. Expert interview