Seo complete guide for bloggers 2014 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Seo complete guide for bloggers 2014

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

Today we are going to share Seo tips for bloggers ho want to optimize their blog and want to listed on to of Google Search Results. Seo stands for search engine optimization. It means that you have to optimize your blog so that search engines may find your blog quickly. Seo plays a major role in getting traffic as it helps search engine to find your blog and place it on the top of list.

Many bloggers don’t know about Seo. They don’t know how to optimize their blog to get better results through search engine.
As you know, Google is one of the biggest search engine in the world and is getting the most visitor per day than any other blog. So displaying your blog there is not a bad idea but you need to optimize your blog so that you could see your blog at top of search engine result page. There are many bloggers on internet. Everyone wants his blog on Google. You have to overcome them in order to get on top. Below is Complete Seo Guide for Bloggers who want their blog top on Serp (search engine result page)

This is the major step in Search engine optimization. As Google only indexes those sites whom people have submitted to it. I order to see your blog on Google, you have to submit your blog sitemap to Google. You can do this by Using Google Webmaster tool. Webmaster tool is an online service offered by Google. It allows you to submit your blog sitemap to Google so that they can index your blog posts. You also must submit your blog sitemap to Yahoo and Bing Webmaster tool

What is Sitemap?

Sitemap is a map of your Blog which represents the blog posts to Search engine. It allows search engine to find a post in your blog when someone searches it on Google. So submitting your blog sitemap to search engine is necessary.

Feature Post:

Submit sitemap to Google

Be a Google Author plays an important role in increasing pagerank of a blog. Google promotes that blog whom author is verified by Google.
If you own a blog then you must become a Google author. This will improve your blog Seo.

Featured Post:

How to Become Google Author?

Post title/Content optimization plays an important role in improving blog Seo.

You should use high quality keywords in your Post title and title should not be more than 66 words because Google do not index posts having title more than 66 words.
Use effective titles of post so that it might attract your visitor. The post tile should be easy and search engine friendly so that Google finds it easily while searching.

Post content also plays an important role in improving blog Seo. As Google search blog posts not only from title but also search it in post content. You post content should contain minimum of 5-6 keywords. Post should be lengthy and should be easy language so that visitor may finds it attractive while reading.

Links optimization plays an important role in improving blog Seo. Below are some points you should apply on your Blog Links.

  • You should tag external links on your blog as nofollow

Making external links nofollow on your blog is a very important step as making external link as dofollow could decrease your blog page rank because making an external link dofollow will share share your page rank with his blog.

  • Make your blog Internal links dofollow

Linking blog one post with other is a great way to distribute pagerank around whole blog. You should make your blog internal link dofollow. 

Image optimiziation could boost your blog pageviews. Many people search posts using Google image search and by doing image optimization, you can get your blog images on Google Image Search Results and hence this could boost your blog pageviews.

Featured Post:

Boost your Blog Traffic From Images

Meta tags are very important for a blog as could improve your blog page rank and also help Search engine to find your Blog. 

What are Meta Tags?

Meta tags represents your blog to search engines. They provide description of your blog to search engine and also shows your blog keywords So using meta tags on your blog is a great idea.

Featured post:

Introduction to Meta Tags

Add meta tags in blogger

Submitting your blog to directory plays an important role to increase page rank.
Below are some popular directory where you can submit your blog.

  1. Dmoz
  2. Technotati
  3. Yahoo Directory

Submitting your blog in these directories will not boost your traffic but will improve your blog page rank.

Blog load time plays an important role in getting traffic. You might have seen many slow loading blogs which take a long time to open. It has been estimated the blogs having long loading time get less pageviews than the blog with less

loading time

Featured Post

Compress Your Blog Images to Reduce Blog Load Time

Compress Your Blog Code To Reduce Blog Loading Time
The best tip to boost your blog’s traffic is to apply all these above tips on your blog. These tips will boost your blog pageviews
That’s all! I hope this tutorial has helped you in optimization of you blog. Give us your opinions in below comments.

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InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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