How To Start Blogging | Make Money | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: How To Start Blogging | Make Money

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali
Mostly the people waste time on internet. They want to make money but could not find the money making job.Today i am going to tell u the best way of making money online. But u have to learn some Seo and Html to make money. Today every one wants to make money by using easy way.

Just Follow The Steps To Be A Professional Blogger
Check these out:
Easiest ways to make money

To make money, the easiest way is by setting a blog but u should have some abilities to write articles and if u are expert in writing, then u have come to right place!

First thing on setting a blog is to choose a platform

Choose a Platform:

There are two platforms if u want to set up your blog easily

1: Blogger
2: WordPress

U can choose any platform u want, But i m gonna telling u some advantages and disadvantages of these platforms



1: It is hosted by Google and it”s free

2: u don”t need to buy hosting 

3: u don”t need to buy a domain

4: U can place ads on free accounts


1: There is a lot of Seo work u have to do for getting ur blog placed on top on Google’s page

2: You have to do every thing in HTML, So u have to be Expert in HTML


1: It has not much work of HTML

2: Its easy to use

3: There are plugins for WordPress


1: It’s not free, You have to pay for hosting

2: You cannot place ads on free account

 If u ask my opinion  i would advise you to use WordPress if u can pay for hosting but you can also use blogger if u are expert in SEO.

Setting Up Blog:

if u want to use blogger, You should have a Gmail account. If u have,u Go to and log in using your Gmail account. There Crete a new Blog and choose it’s title Note: The title should be Unique Now you have set up your blog Now it’s time to decide what to write. if u r a professional blogger and know about css and html, you can make blogger widgets or customize them.If u r a good write, you can write articles on whatever you like!
 A big successful thing in blogging is Keywords  Choose your site keyword and write this keyword in your every articles 2-3 times. You can get help using Google. Just write your article topic on Google and Google will give you results. Collect the information from different blogs and write it in your own words
After making a blog, how would u get people visiting your site

  1. Submit your site to Google’s Webmaster Tool so that it should occur in search Results
  2. Submit your site to Bing,Yahoo and other Search Engine
  3. Make a page on Facebook
  4. Make a lens in Squidoo
  5. Post on Digg
  6. Post On Delicious
  7. Make Your Twitter username
  8. Make A YouTube Chanel

And a last thing! link these all with your blog

Now If u have a little Traffic, Question Arises

Now Register on one of the sites and u will get the ads code in html and paste it on your site where you want the ads to be displayed. When someone click on the ad, you will get the money and you can make $$$ by placing ads on your site but don’t post so many ads because the more ads you place, less the reader become attractive.

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About This Blog:
InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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