Best Methods to Make Money from your Blog | 2104 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Best Methods to Make Money from your Blog | 2104

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

Today we are writing this post for bloggers who want to boost their Income from their Blog. Many people think Advertisement is the only way to make money.Well, let me tell you
Using Adsense or Other Ads on your Blog will not boost your Income so if you are planning to make big money, then you have to try other options in your Blog.

There are many other Methods to Make Money from your Blog and Boost your Blog Income.
Today we will share with you the Best Ways to Make Money From Your Blog.

You Must try all the Below Methods to Make Money.

You might be aware of Affiliate Marketing but you might not know the real tricks to Make Money from Affiliate Marketing.

Following are the Below Some Popular Affiliate Marketing Sites You can Apply for

1- Godaddy

2- Amazon

3- Ebay

How to Use Affectively:

It’s easy to make account on the Above affiliate Marketing Site.

You have to select a banner which may attract your Visitor, write a review on the marketing site or their offers/Promotions and place the affiliate link of the offer inside the review.
You can see the example Post where i have written a review on Madmimi.
The above method is probably the best method to make money through affiliate programs
If you write reviews on your blog then this is another method to make money. You can provide services to visitors to write a review on thir blog or app. You can make huge money from this method but your writing skill should be excellent if you want people to pay you on writing reviews.

Many bloggers are using these methods to make money but you should have great English or the advertiser will not pay you.


Here’s The another method to boost income from your blog. Using Adsense or other cpc ads networks will help you to make money. You can make account on Adsense or other alternatives and can make a decent income from your Blog.

What is CPC and CPM:

CPC is abbreviated as Cost per Click, Using Cpc ads on your blog will allow you to make money when your blog visitor clicks the ad. You will get a little commission when one person clicks the ad but if you are getting huge traffic on your Blog, then you can make huge amount from CPC Ads.

Below are some Advertising Networks which pays per click





CPM is abbreviated as Cost per Impression. You can make money by placing ads in your blog sidebar or inside post, whenever a visitor see your Ad, you will get a commission but the commission is very small, i.e: 0.02$ per thousand Impressions. 
But if you are getting huge daily Visitor on your Blog, then you can make a lot of impressions on ad and make huge amount of money
This is the Best method for the Bloggers who are Expert in Blogging Skills like Html, Javascript, Jquery, Template Making, Widget Making, etc.
You can make a services page on your Blog so that people could make an order of a template or a blogger widget and you can also charge on your services.
This method is an effective method and you might show your skills to People by sharing some of your Inventions with people.

That’s All!

I hope you like the Above Tips. Ask your Queries in below Comments

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About This Blog:
InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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