Sony Challenges the Oculus Rift with Its Own Version of Visual Stimulation | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Sony Challenges the Oculus Rift with Its Own Version of Visual Stimulation

Written By Ezra Melino
Sony Challenges the Oculus Rift with Its Own Version of Visual Stimulation as technology

continues to progress, particularly that within the realm of entertainment technology, it’s

becoming more and more clear that “the future” is certainly now. Decades ago, the very

thought of interactive virtual reality gaming and viewing was a type of sci-fi fantasy that

had not yet found a very solid foothold on the level of authenticity as it now stands today.

A pioneer ship in exploring this increasingly illuminated territory is the Oculus Rift, a

head-mounted virtual display system that has been gleaning a lot of attention since before

its arrival on the market. But since they are never one’s to be left outside of the ring, Sony

is not far behind with their own version of a virtual reality headset. The Sony entertainment

gadget prototype features a head-tracker attachment in the form of a visor which is said to

allow for an intensely immersive visual gaming experience.

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While Sony’s initial headset offering, the HMZ-T3W, which was primarily marketed as a

video-viewing apparatus, has been in the market as of September 2013, the newer 

enhanced version is much more interactive and involved with powerful gaming

engagement potential. After slipping the display visor over your eyes and preparing

yourself for virtual reality engagement, another world is suddenly revealed. Sony has

created a device that generates a virtual 750-inch viewing screen over the user’s eyes

that’s also appropriately accompanied with quality, cinematic-level surround sound. But

the kicker is the head-tracker, which was showcased during CES 2014, bringing a new

plane of gaming experience into reality. Positioned just behind the user’s head,the

head-tracker is said to be acutely responsive to the gamer’s movements.

The upgraded Sony headset is prized on its highly immersive abilities, and although many

might still understandably be wary of the possible gimmicky “virtual reality-ness” in

reference to the actual visual disposition of the screen images, it has been noted that

Sony’s model has taken digital imagery to a whole new level with crisp, sharp depictions

and that one can quickly adapt to its unique offering. Not everyone is hopping on the Sony

train, however, and many testers and critics still hail the Oculus Rift as the top virtual

reality offering on the market to date. Some reviewers note that the new Sony HMZ-T3W

visuals are actually not as engaging since it is still equipped with 1280×720 OLED

displays for both eyes and only offers a 45 degree field of viewing. This is apparently that

same as the preceding version, and has been looked down on as a bit of a

disappointment. Having distinguished its use of HDMI 1.4(a) frame packaging method in

reference to stereoscopic 3D support allowing for PlayStation 3, and potentially PS4,

console compatibility, the Oculus Rift may still out-gun Sony’s new device within the PC

gamer crowd.

While Sony has yet to release any info as to when and if their new head-tracker headset

will become available on the public market, antsy gamers can now get their hands on the

regular model for approximately $999.

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About Author:
Ezra Melino is an all-around-geek turned serious blogger out of North Carolina who not-so-secretly relishes an in-print love affair with everything from technology and multimedia entertainment to film and uverse. He has written for and managed multiple tech blogs that are devoted to exploring new technological developments all around the world.
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