Top Adsense And Buysellads alternative | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Top Adsense And Buysellads alternative

Getting Adsesne account is difficult, your blog have to meet their requirements and still your blog gets rejected, Don’t lose hope because u can try other advertising networks to make money. Below i am listing some adsense and buysellads alternatives, you have to sign up and some of these networks may review you blog
qadabra is an advertising networks and pays you per click (CPC). It place popup ads and image ads on your website
Bidvertiser has a big advertisement range and it is best alternative to adsense. It place text ads and gives you $$. 
If u want to place text ads on your website, you can register with chitika as publisher. Chitika place only text ads of almost every banner size you want to place on your blog so it is good to place chitika ads on your blog
 Cliicksor have a good range of advertising banners, but clicksor does not pay you much money and they have not much advertisers so sometimes their ads will not be shown on your blog
  I should advise you to use all these advertising networks except Clicksor. You will get good money from these networks
sometimes you get rejected from buysellads and you lose hope, but don’t lose hope, there are some other advertising networks. Below i am listing some advertising networks
 adsella is a good advertising network so you should apply for it
 Advertise space is a good advertising network and you should apply for it
I advise you to aplly for both and make some money