Make Money From Your Blog Download Links | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Make Money From Your Blog Download Links

Hello Guys, Today I am sharing with you a great way to make money if you have Download 

Links on your Blog. You can easily make huge amount of money if you have a Blog having Softwares

 and Gaming etc.  Many people don’t know how to make money from their blog download links but 

here i am sharing with you a great Online money making network.

There are many networks by which you can make money from your Links

Here are Some Networks

How it Works:

These are the advertising networks which allows you to shorten your Download links with their Url

 shortener and place it on your blog. Whenever a visitor clicks your link. He shall be displayed a 5

 second ad and then he will be directed towards the File Link. If you are getting a huge traffic on

 your Blog, You can earn huge amount of money. The best one i

 found is These networks pays you very less i.e 3$ for 1000 Views. 

You can easily sign up there and start to shorten your URL with them. You can view daily stats 

from your Dashboard.

I hope this tutorial has helped you. feel free to ask in below comments