July 2013 | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: July 2013

URL shortener helps you to shorten your blog links. There are many services which provides URL

 shortener of which you can easily shorten your blog Links. Today I am sharing some 

good URL shortener list for which you can use to shorten long links. It is also a unique way to make


Make Money From Your Blog’s Download Links

Below I am Listing some Great url Shortener.
Try these Shortener and you’ll get your Link shortened easily.

Samsung has announced giveaway of Samsung S4, But there is a hard work you have to do. The

 S4 will be given to top 5 winners. Samsung has arranged a contest on their Facebook Page. 

 You have to play a game in which you have to hold S4 by Clicking Mouse button to a long period of 

time and you have to wake up whole night to Win S4. You cannot put your mouse on click by placing 

a heavy thing on your mouse because after every 8 minutes, you have to do a activity by hovering

 mouse and this requires you hand so no cleverness would work. However I have seen top five

 Names and let me tell you that the top winner has clicked mouse button for 1 day 17 Hours and fifth 

winner has clicked mouse button for 17 hours so if you can click mouse button without leaving it for a

 second for more than 17 hours, then you can take part in the competition.

How to Enter Contest:

You can go to their Samsung Facebook Page and you’ll see the link there. Click this link to go to

 Samsung Facebook Page or Go Directly to the Contest Page

Log-In to your Facebook and First Like their Page. Then register yourself and Click Start.

Best of luck for the Competitors who are taking part. I wish you Best of Luck.

Today I am sharing an easy method to add widget or ads aboce post title. Adding Widget above post

 title is not an easy task but if you are a newbie and just started your blogging career, then I am here

 to help you.

Just Follow the Below Steps to Add

How to Add:

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Dashboard
  • Go to Template
  • Click Edit Html
  • Search for  in your Template by pressing Ctrl+F key
  • Paste your Adsense code or Widget code just Below
  • Save your Template

Congrats, you Are Done!

Feel Free to Ask any Question in Below Comments

In my Previous Article, How to place widget Below Posts Title, I gave tutorial on how to place ads below post titles.Today i am writing this post for Newbies who want to Post Ads or Widget Below Posts.
Adding Widgets below posts is not a big task. However, if you are new to blogger, then you might don’t know how to Place Widget or Ad below Posts.
Just Follow the Below Instructions to Add
How to Add:

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Dashboard
  • Go to Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Search for by pressing Ctrl+F key.

Note: You may find more than one tag, go for the 2nd one

  • Paste the Your Adsense Code or Widget Code just Below/After tag.
  • Click save and Save your Template

Congrats you are Done!

Blog Ranking plays and important role in getting your Blog on top. You must have been busy to

 improve your blog ranking but there are some resons which will stop your blog promotion. Today I

 am sharing some reasons whicch will never let your blog grow.

Having no Social Media on your Blog is a big disadvantage. Appropriate use of social media can

 boost your Blog Pageviews And these can also increase your Blog Ranking, so Connect your Blog

 posts with Social Media Sites. As Facebook is getting popular, you must have to Post your Blog post 

on Facebook as people would like it and by liking, it would be displayed on their wall and their friends

 would also see it and the process will go on. There are many other Social Sites which you must

Connect to Blogger

Use Hootsuite to Connect blogger to Social Sites Easiest Way Connect blogger to Social Sites Use Networked Blogs to Connect blogger to Social Sites

If you want huge pageviews on your Blog, your Blog should be search engine friendly. Submit your 

Blog Sitemap to Webmaster Tools and other Search Engine Directories. This would help you to get 

30-40% of your Blog Pageviews from Search Engines. Your Blog should be Search Engine Friendly

 and your Blog’s template should be Seo optimized. Become Google Verified Author and it will help

 Google to trust you. Write your posts efficiently and use good Keywords so that Google’s  find your

 Blog Easily and it will help you increase your Blog’s Page Rank. Use Meta Tags on your Blog.

Submit your Blog to Webmaster Tool Submit your Blog to Google Easiest Way to Become Google Verified Author I hope these 2 tips have helped you, Feel free to Ask any question in Below Comments

You might have seen many blogger templates which are attractive and Beautiful, but there are some

 problem with these templates, they are not exactly the same template which you want. Today I am

 writing this article to help you getting your blog Template. You can make your Own template easily by

 using some softwares or Customize a template using Html. I am Sharing with you my experience of

 Making Blogger Template using Artisteer. Artisteer is a software that allows you to make template of

 your blog. They have a variety of blogger templates and you can choose their templates or make a 

new one. Artisteer is easy to use but it might be little difficult for you if you are new to it. You can

 make your Template easily with Artisteer. There is also a Suggest Idea Button which chooses a

 perfect widget for your Template. You can make sidebar,header and footer as well, however you will

 not found a lots of varieties in footer but still good. Your can make blogger,worpress,joomla and

 drupal templates easily. They are giving 90 Days trial but there are some restriction to use this trial.

 you cannot save your Template unless you have to make and export it.
Artisteer is a template designer which helps you to design your Blog’s Template. Artisteer supports

 many Platforms such as Blogger,Wordpress,Druplal,Joomla. You can easily Create template

If you are new to Blogger and don’t know how to add Adsense or Widget Below Post Title, then you

have come to right place. Placing Ads or Widget is not a Difficult Task. You can easily add it from

 your Template. Today i am giving tutorial on how to Place Adsense or Widget Below Posts Title

Simply Follow the Below Steps to Add Widget:

How To Add:

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Dashboard
  • Go to Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Search for by pressing Ctrl+F Key.

Note: you may find more than one tag, Go to the Second one

  • Paste your Javascript Code Just Above
  • Save your Template 

Congrats! You Are Done

Every Blogger want to get Pageviews and there are many great techniques to get huge Pageviews. 

Toady I am sharing some Great Tips which would help you to get more pageviews on your Posts. 

Below are some Great Tips to Increase your Blog Pageviews

While writing your Post, you must Place images related to the Post. You should place minimum of 1

 Image per Post. Placing Alt tags On Images is a great way to get Traffic from Search Engine. 

How to Add Image Alt Tag In Blogger

Actually alt tags helps your Visitor to Find your Blog image in Google Image Search Results.

 Sometimes visitor don’t want to go to Blogs to Find Widgets instead they Search on Google Images.

 Google displays images using image alt tags and if you have placed image alt tag on your Posts 

Images, then you’ll be definately Secarch by Google and this would help you to get lots of Pageviews.

Social Media Plays an important role in Blogging as the efficient use of it, you can boost your blog

 pageviews, When you Publish a Post, Share it on Social Sites and Create your Page and Share it

 on your Page and also on your Wall, you can use Hootsuite or other apps to Connect your blog with 

Social Sites.

How to Use Hootsuite to Connect Blogger with Social Sites How to Use Networked Blogs to Connect Blogger with Social Sites How to Use dlvr to Connect Blogger with Social Sites

If you wish to get a lot of pageviews from your Posts, then here is a great way to increase visitors to 

your Blog Posts. Use Meta Tags for Each Post. Whenever you Publish a post, place their Meta 

Tags in your Template so that you could add more keywords and description of the post.

Learn to Add Meta Tags to Each Post

Meta Tags help you to Add Description and Keywords of your Blog and you can use it also on each 

Blog Post.

This would help you to Add more Keywords andDescription of your Blog Post and it could help

 Search Engine to find your Keywords

Apply these Tips on your Blog Posts and I hope you’ll see Traffic Improvement On your Blog.

If you have made a new blog on Blogger and Chosen Blogger Template, you will see a Navbar(horizontal Bar By Blogger) at the Top and Many bloggers want to remove it as it looks little ugly. You can Easily Remove Navbar From Blogger

You Can Easily Remove Blogger Navbar From your Blog

Just Follow the Below Steps to remove:

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Dashboard

  • Find the Below Code by Pressing Ctrl+F key.


  • Remove the Whole Widget Code Starting From by Pressing Ctrl+F key.
  • Paste the Below Code Just Abvoe ]]> tag.

      .itbtweeetero, .itbfbwolo, .itbg-plusones { float: left; border-left: 1px solid #eaeaea; padding-left: 18px; padding-top: 15px; padding-bottom: 10px; } .itbg-plusones { margin-left:20px; } #itbSocialFloat { float: left; border-top: 1px solid #eaeaea; border-bottom: 1px solid #eaeaea; width: 610px; margin-bottom: 20px; margin-left: -10px; } .itbheadingsharer h5 { float: left; padding-right: 20px; padding-top: 18px; text-transform: uppercase; font-weight: bold; margin: 0px; padding-left: 10px; }

  • Now Find By Pressing Ctrl+F Key.
  • Paste the Below Code Just Below/After


Share it Please


  • Save Your Template and You Are Done!

If you feel any problem while Installing, Please let Us know by Commenting Below

This is a great Author Bio Box for Bloggers who have many Guest Bloggers because it Automatically

 Displays Author Name Written on Their Profile. This is a Simple But Good Looking Author bio 

box for Blogger.

This Widget Is Easy To Install

Just Follow the Below Steps to Install it On Blogger
How To Add:

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to Your Dashboard
  • Go to Tamplate Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Find ]]> by Pressing Ctrl+F Key.
  • Paste the Below Code Just above ]]> tag.

#itbadminprofiler { float:left; width:100%; border-top:1px solid #eaeaea; margin-top:30px; border:1px solid #eaeaea; padding-top:10px; padding-right:10px; background:#fdfdfd!important; margin-bottom:30px; } #itbauthor {clear: both;width: 100%; height:1px; background: #46A28D;} .itbAuthoravata img { float:left; width:100px; border:1px solid #eaeaea!important; background:#f8f8f8!important; margin:10px; padding:15px!important; } .itbAuthordesp { padding-bottom:20px; font-size:13px; } .itbauthornames h3 { text-transform:uppercase; font-weight:700; margin:0; padding:18px 20px 15px 10px; }

  • Now Find tag by Pressing Ctrl+F Key.
  • Paste the Below Code Just Below it.

            InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates  

  • Click Save and You are Done!

If you feel any Problem While Installing, Ask us in Below Comments

Forums are the great way to Boost your Traffic but it requires some hard work to Make your Forum

 at top. Forum helps people to get Answered to their questions. You can Make Forum easily using

 Below Method.

Just Follow the Below Steps to Make Forum for Your Blog:

How to Make:

  • Fill the Form Correctly And Click Create Forum

  • Wait for Some time, it may take some Seconds to Create A Forum
  • You will Be directed to Forum Page.
  • To Embed this Forum On your Blog, First Confirm registration From your Email Account (gmail,hotmail,etc) and then Sign-In.
  • Now Click Options From your Nabble Account Dashboard

  • You will be directed to Embed Page
  • Copy the Javascript Code as Shown

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Dashboard
  • Go to Pages Tab
  • Click New Page
  • Click Blank Page
  • Go to Html Section of the Page
  • Paste the Copied Code In the Html Field and Name Your Page what you want
  • Save Your Page

Congrats! You are Done

Subscription Widget is very Important as it helps your Reader to Get Subscribe with your Posts and

 it can get your Reader aware of New Posts and This method will boost your Pageviews. Today I am 

Sharing A great Follow Us Widget for Blogger which you can Easily Add.

Just Follow the Below Instructions to Add

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to your Dashboard

  • Click Enter your Feedburner ID and Click Save

Featured Post:

Find Your Feed Address Using Feed Burner

  • After Clicking, The Popup will Close and Click Save Changes

You Are Done!

Using Adsense on your Blog/Website is a great way to make money, You are making a lot of money 

from Adsense. Adsense provides different sizes ads and they allow maximum of 3 ads Per Page.

 You can make a lot of Money From Adsense By using Specific Sizes and placing Ads on Specific Places. 

Adsense Analysis tells us the most successful Ad Sizes.

Below I am Listing Most Successful Ad Sizes Of Adsense and you can Make a lot of Money using 

These Ad sizes

  • 336X280 Large Rectangle
  • 300X250 Medium Rectangle
  • 728X90 Leaderboard
  • 160X600 Wide Scrapper

These are the Most Successful Ad Sizes you can Place On your Blog and get a lot of Benenfit From 


Placing ads on your Blog meant a lot in making money. Today i sharing with you the Best Places

of your Blog where you can place Adsense to get maximum exposure.

Place your Adsense Ad in the Top right corner of your Blog and It should be of 468X90 or If you have 

big space then you can also Placec 768X90 Banner Ad. This would help you to get Huge Clicks

 because visitor will first see Blog Header and Then Post

Place Adsense Banner Ads Below Header and Above Post in Homepage and Post Pages. This is

 the Best Place to Get your Ad clicked. Place 468X90 Banner ads or You can also place 768X90 Ads

 there if you have wide Space.

Place your Ads in Sidebar and you can place 300X250 Sidebar Banner or 336X280. Placing Adsense

 in Sidebar will help you to make More Money.

The Best place to Show Adsense inside a post is to Place Adsense Below Post Titles. I would

 recommend you to Place 300X250 Banner Ad or Two Ads Align in a Same Row.

Align To Ads in A Same Line

Place your Adsense Ad below Posts so that when Visitor Scrolls to End, He might see your ad and

 click it.

Thats All. You can also Place Link Ads on Above Posts and Below Posts to Make Money.

Today I am Sharing with you a great trick to Increase your Blog ranking but you need to do some

 hard work to apply this trick. Meta Tags are very important for a blog as it help the Blog to Find your

Blog in Search Results and It also helps you to Increase you to improve your Seo. But the trick i am

 sharing will increase your Page Rnak and Improve your Seo Rapidly. This trick is not Difficult.

Let Me Tell You

Can’t Understand??

I’ll Explain to you!

You have applied Meta Tags on your Blogger Template and They are Indexed by Google Crawlers

 but You can also Place meta Tags for your Each Posts so that Google Find your Posts Easily in 

Search Results. By Placing Meta Tags on your Each Post, Google will Index your Posts Keywords

 More Rapidly and You will get a lot of Page Views From Search Engines.

Adding Meta Tags on Each Post is easy but if you have already Posted Huge Posts, then this will be

 difficult task for you to add Meta Tags to your Previous Posts.

  • Write Your Blog Posts and Publish It
  • Then open your Published Post and Copy the Url of That Post
  • Go to Your Blog’s Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Find tag by Pressing Ctrl+F Button.
  • Paste the Below Code Above tag.

Create Custom Meta Tags For Blogger
What are Meta Tags and How To Use It

  • Change YOUR POST DESCRIPTION with your Post Description
  • Change YOUR POST KEYWORDS with your Post Keywords
  • Change URL OF Selected Post with your Post Url your Have Copied in Above Steps

Note: You Have to Paste this Meta tags Again and Again in your Template for your Each Post.

If you have 100 Posts Published, Copy the Above Code and Paste it 100 Times In your Blog.

Today I am Sharing Horizontal Bar For Blogger which you can easily install on Blogger and You can 

display your Pages and Posts here

Just Follow the Below Steps to Add to Blogger

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to Your Dashboard
  • Go to Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Find ]]> by Pressing Ctrl+F Key.
  • Paste the below code just Above/Before  ]]>

.adspot { float: right; margin-top: -5px; width: 731px; } .dropdown.leftro { float:right; width:110px; margin-right:30px; } .homeage { padding-bottom:14px!important; padding-top:10px!important; height:18px!important; } .dropdown > div { position:absolute; z-index:1000; top:100%; left:-9999px; opacity:0; transition:opacity 0.2; -o-transition:opacity 0.2; -ms-transition:opacity 0.2; -moz-transition:opacity 0.2; -webkit-transition:opacity 0.2; border-top:1px solid #3c3c3c; } #menuheader { float:left; width:100%; height:42px; background-color:#46A28D; position:fixed; z-index:1000000000000; -webkit-box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 2px 2px -1px; -moz-box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 2px 2px -1px; box-shadow:rgba(0,0,0,0.3) 0 2px 2px -1px; } ul.righthead li { display:block; float:left; font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif; font-weight:700; text-transform:capitalize; font-size:14px; border-left:1px solid #3D8272; height:18px; padding:12px 25px; } ul.righthead li:hover { background-color:#3D8272; } ul.righthead li a { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } li.dropdown { padding-right:0!important; border-right:1px solid #ff873c; } .righthead .dropdown > a { padding-right:38px; } .righthead .dropdown > a:after { border-left:3px solid transparent; border-right:3px solid transparent; border-top:4px solid #ddd; content:””; height:0; margin-top:-1px; position:absolute; right:23px; top:50%; width:0; } .righthead .dropdown.leftro > a:after { border-left:0 solid transparent; border-right:0 solid transparent; border-top:0 solid #ddd; content:””; height:0; margin-top:-1px; position:absolute; right:23px; top:50%; width:0; } .righthead .dropdown:hover > div { left:0; opacity:1; } .righthead .navigation-right.dropdown:hover > div { right:0; left:auto; } .righthead .search-dropdown { width:389px; } .righthead form { text-align:right; padding:20px; } .righthead input,.righthead textarea,.righthead input:focus,.righthead textarea:focus { border:none; background:#fff; } .righthead { background:#658db5; border-right:1px solid #7397BB; border-left:1px solid #7397BB; max-width:1248px; margin:0 auto; } .righthead .dropdown > div { background:#2d2520; }

  • Now Search for tag and Paste the Below code Just Below/After tag.

You are Done!

Today I am Sharing A great social Sharing Widget which you Can Easily Place on your Sidebar or 

Below Posts. Social Widgets are very important for a blog, it helps your Blog Visitor to Like your Blog

 Page directly from your blog and it can also boost your Blog’s traffic.

Just Follow the Below Steps to Add this Widget to Blogger

How To Add:

  • Go to Blogger
  • Log-In to Your Dashboard
  • Go to Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Fin ]]> by Pressing Ctrl+F Key
  • Paste the Below Code Just Before/Above ]]>

.top-menu-right li.twitter a { padding: 16px 20px; display: inline-block; height: 13px; position: relative; } .top-menu-right li.twitter a:hover { background: #ffffff; color: #46a28d; } .top-menu-right li.twitter a span.twitter-icon { background: url(“http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bZ37kBlEglc/UVg5IFQSpjI/AAAAAAAAAQs/g1BWbePgmkE/s1600/twitter-icon.png”) no-repeat; float: left; width: 16px; height: 13px; display: block; margin: 0 8px 0 0; } .top-menu-right li.twitter a:hover span.twitter-icon { background: url(“http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-bZ37kBlEglc/UVg5IFQSpjI/AAAAAAAAAQs/g1BWbePgmkE/s1600/twitter-icon.png”) no-repeat; background-position: -16px 0; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.social-icons { width: 350px; margin-left: -251px; } .ie #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.social-icons { width: 350px; margin-left: -250px; } .chrome #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.social-icons, .opera #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.social-icons, .safari #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.social-icons { width: 350px; margin-left: -248px; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons h4 { font-family: ‘Raleway’, sans-serif; font-weight: 500; font-size: 16px; line-height: 22px; color: #666666; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 0 0 10px 0; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons .social-icons-section { width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px dotted #dfdfdf; margin: 0 0 20px 0; padding: 0 0 20px 0; diplay: block; overflow: hidden; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons .social-icons-section ul { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 0; list-style: none; overflow: hidden; z-index: 99999; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons .social-icons-section ul li { background: none; float: left; margin: 0 20px 0 0; padding: 0 0 0 0; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons .social-icons-section ul li:last-child { margin: 0 0 0 0; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons .social-icons-section ul li a { display: block; width: 40px; height: 40px; padding: 0 0 0 0; } .dropdown-menu.social-icons .facebook-box-section { width: 100%; display: block; overflow: hidden; z-index: 99999; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.share-buttons { width: 95px; margin-left: -29px; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.share-buttons ul { display: block; margin: 0 0 0 0; list-style: none; overflow: hidden; width: 100%; height: auto; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.share-buttons ul li { background: none; padding: 0 0 0 0; width: 100%; z-index: 99999; display: block; zoom: 1; float: left; overflow: hidden; height: 20px; position: relative; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.share-buttons ul li iframe { position: absolute; z-index: 99999; display: block ! important; cursor: default; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.share-buttons ul li a { padding: 0 0 0 0; height: auto; } #top-navigation .top-menu-right li .dropdown-menu.share-buttons ul li a:hover { opacity: 0.8; -webkit-opacity: 0.8; -moz-opacity: 0.8; opacity: 0.8; }

  • Click Save
  • Go to Layout Tab
  • Click Add Gadget
  • Click Html/Javascript
  • Paste the Below Code Inside it.

    You Are Done! Check your Blog and you’ll see this amazing Blogger Widget