Ultimate Guide To Use Hashtags Across All Social Networks

First of all, everyone knows what hashtags are right? This word skyrocketed into popularity so hard that it was recognized and added to the Oxford dictionary in 2010. Still, despite how popular they have become, many people still do not understand how to use hashtags.

Perhaps you’re reading this blog post because you just completed a Google search on how to use hashtags in social media and it leads you to us. Additionally, you have seen other people and businesses playing around with it such as #Startup#Business, or #worklife, and in your mind it may be quite overwhelming.

Hashtags are now just as common as an emoji in a text message. You can find them all over Facebook and Twitter. As a result, I have written this post to help you better understand the meaning of what a hashtag is and how you can use it effectively using some free social media tools to increase your presence on social media.

In some cases, an ideal way to utilize hashtags is to discover ones that already exist. Before you can begin, you really need to find out which hashtags are used by influencers on social media. A good way of doing this is to utilize some of the free hashtag analysis tools such as Twitonomy.

Since many internet users click on hashtags to search for more media related to that particular tag, twitter analytic information can be very valuable in making great choices for tags in your own posts for these users to get access to. There are some best Twitter analytics tools on the net that can help you find the best “influencers” on Twitter.

There are some awesome hashtag tools available where you can search for the most effective hashtags. Let’s take a look:

  • Hashatit11: It’s free which allows you to search any hashtag and then use it for your social media Platforms.
  • Findgram3: This is a free tool, which allows you to search hashtags and usernames on Instagram.
  • Tagboard: This tool provides you with a more comprehensive view when you search for hashtags. For example, it will clarify whether the tag was either positive, negative, or even neutral to use.
  • Hashtagify.me: This site provides a visual representation of the hashtag and it’s top influencers. You can find trending hashtags in your niche using this tool.

There are two ways to find hashtags on Twitter. The one is simply searching tag from the search bar in the top right-hand corner of your screen to know what other people are currently using.

The other is an advanced search, where you can search tweets with specific words and phrases. This is the great way to improve your tags to ones that are relevant to the content you want to share.

Want to find out what is trending on Twitter? You can see the trending Hashtags on the left side of your Twitter news feed. Additionally, Twitter automatically shows these trending topics based on your location and the people whom you follow.

If you already know what hashtag you want to search for, you can choose from two methods: conduct a simple search or type it directly into the URL. Just like with Twitter, you can search hashtags using the Facebook search box in the top left-hand corner of your screen.

To find trending hashtags on Facebook, go to your right-hand side of your home screen, here you will find a list of trending tags. Facebook shows these tags based on your timelines, pages you have liked and your location.

While using your Instagram app, you should find a search button on the left side of the screen camera touch button. You can browse through the search option, the posts and stories posted on Instagram using Hashtags.

If you want to search the trending hashtags then the best way to look is Instagram’s explore tab. Here you will find the trending tags as well as the posts that are liked by the huge number of people in the Instagram community.

Like other social media platforms, Pinterest also provides you the ability to search hashtags. You can directly input your query into the search box and Pinterest will provide you similar kind of posts related to the query given.

When you search a hashtag, or pins with similar keywords in the description while posting your pin, Pinterest will show resulting pins that have the same term in the photo, URL, product page, or name tied to the Pin.

You can use hashtags in comment sections. Try searching for videos related to the topic of your video to see which hashtags appear to be trending. You can find many topic related videos by clicking on any hashtag on YouTube.

Here is a link for some more tips on how to use hashtags effectively in social media marketing.

Want to get involved in the conversation or perhaps start your own? Try to use one or two hashtags per post. This way your engagement on the content grows by taking advantage of making that post accessible through other users searches. Also, you can participate in Twitter chats to increase engagement.

Try to add 1-2 hashtags to your tweets for more reach every time. This is because you will receive on average of 21% higher engagements on tweets with 1-2 hashtags, while 55% more likely to be re-tweeted on a tweet with one or more hashtags. It is not recommended to use more than two hashtags per tweet. Additionally, it is important to remember to choose your hashtags wisely to narrow your audience to the ones you really want your posts directed at.

To use a hashtag on Facebook, publish a post including hashtags to your Facebook page, group, and timeline.
However, you need to ensure that your post is public if you want people to find your post other than your Facebook friends. Consequently, once you publish the post to your page or timeline, the hashtags turns into a clickable link that takes people to the hashtag page. Try to use one or two hashtags for more interaction; don’t overuse hashtags on Facebook.

As with Twitter, overuse of hashtags can make you look unprofessional and comes off as annoying to your readers.

Hashtags are even more important on Instagram than they are on Twitter as they are the only way to get your content noticed on Instagram. Use popular and relevant hashtags to ensure that your content is seen by larger groups of audiences.

A post including more than 11 hashtags receives 12 % more interaction on Instagram. When you write a post including hashtags, Instagram will suggest hashtags based on their popularity. Have a look at the suggestions I got when I typed the incomplete hashtags. Consider using the hashtag tools that are now at your disposal to choose proper tags. Instagram is the exception for you to not be conservative with your tags. Go all out, but make sure your tags are relevant to your picture that help you with more engagement on Instagram.

When it comes to Pinterest, hashtags are at the heart of all search results for the keyword in your hashtags. This means if you have a good deal of relevant hashtags in your description, your Pinners can easily find your content related to content keywords.

Mix unique and general hashtags to draw the most attention to your pins. More importantly, studies have discovered that engagement decreases if more than 2 hashtags are used. Therefore, it will important to choose hashtags that are going to give you the most impact.

For the most part, hashtags on YouTube are used only in the comment section. You can use hashtags to classify your content to be found by topic or use your keyword as of your hashtags.

Try to include relevant hashtags in the comments this will increase the visibility of your YouTube videos. Therefore, look at responding to a viewer’s comment as an opportunity to use a hashtag and create more interaction with that video.

How To Create Your Own Hashtag

In some cases, you may want to create your own hashtag. Perhaps you might want to complement an event so participants can track your social media posts. Suppose you have a unique marketing campaign or webinar that requires its own hashtags rather than using already exists. It all depends on your project. Sometimes the campaign itself dictates the need. There may not be a specific hashtag that captures your brand yet.

So, you need to create a good hashtag that is memorable, unique and relevant to the content that you are sharing. For that, you don’t need any special software, coding experience, or even a college degree to create a hashtag. You are going to have to author it.

For that, you don’t need any special software, experience, or special qualification to create a hashtag. There is only one thing that you are required to do. Simply put a pound sign directly in front of the word or phrase you want to turn into a hashtag without space. Afterward, place your new hashtag in whichever post you like, and just like that, a new hashtag is born.

Hashtags are everywhere. After reading the post, we hope you now have a better idea how to use them effectively. In conclusion, if you’ve any other awesome tips, advice, or even stories about hashtags, you can let us know by tagging us on social media

Guide To Use HashtagsHashtagsHashtags Social NetworksUse Hashtags