Is Your Blog Failing Despite Publishing Articles Regularly?

You might have heard that the majority of blogs fail to make money online. Is your blog failing despite publishing articles regularly? It means you and I have something in common. The, however, isn’t failing, but it doesn’t mean my every niche site or blog took off. I had shut down so many niche sites and blogs in the past.

I’m writing this piece of content because when most beginners start, they think they’re entitled to succeed. They don’t take into consideration that the other person may have spent years in the process.

I have had a fair share of failures in my blogging journey, but I always believed in learning from the failures and moving forward. Robin Sharma rightly said, “there are no mistakes in life, only lessons.”

One of the biggest challenges of bloggers is to bring traffic to the blogs. They strive to publish loads of content, share every article on social media, comment on others’ blogs, and try out SEO tactics to attract new eyeballs.

I have been there, and that’s why I know what it is like.

What if I told you a handful of secrets that bring more traffic to your blog and help you make money along the way?

I know that it’s easier said than done, but I have learned this lesson the hard way. I launched many blogs across multiple niches, but the majority of them failed.

It’s hard to put my feelings into words that how calm and happy I am nowadays. I’m not earning thousands of dollars every month yet, but things have finally started to work out.

All those failed attempted are finally paying off.

Please note that this blog post isn’t about career counselling or changing your life forever. The only thing I have in mind is to share things that have worked for me.

Follow These Tips If Your Blog is Failing Despite Publishing Articles

Stop complaining and get back to work. I have compiled a number of tips that will help you rank your articles and bring traffic to your blog or niche site without any keyword research tool:

If you aren’t spending a little bit of money on the best blogging tools, then you can’t expect to earn money from blogging. I learned this lesson after blogging for almost eight years. Most of you are making the same mistake; you want to promote the products to your audience, but you haven’t tried those products yourself. Folks, your first-hand experience is essential to affiliate marketing success. It was one of the biggest mistakes in my affiliate marketing.

Refresh Your Old Content

I have started updating my old content, and it has shown a significant improvement in organic traffic. I go through my Google Analytics and choose the articles that aren’t in the top 15 to 30 pages on the site. A lot of niche site builders and SEO experts recommend updating your old content. What you should do is that choose the articles that aren’t bringing any traffic and make improvements. You might wonder: how should you update the content? The answer is that try writing a better blog post title, add an improved image, update the meta tags, and add relevant information to the article body. Don’t ever change the blog post URL.

Write Articles with Searchers’ Intent in Mind

The search intent is the most critical part of bringing traffic to your blog. This is where most bloggers struggle. The search intent means you’re figuring out what people are searching for in search engines and creating content to cater to them. Once you start to understand your target audience, you can pull this off. However, it doesn’t happen so quickly. Identifying your strength and using it to help the audience goes a long way. Don’t overlook the searchers’ intent while writing articles for your blog.

Acquire New Skills and Expertise

You can’t continue to use your current skills to compete in the future. Prepare yourself for future challenges and use every resource available at your disposal.

If your blog isn’t getting traffic or it’s not converting, then maybe you need to work on several things such as reviewing new products, indulge in new content clusters, choose different keywords, and learn new things. I learned that writing articles that answer searchers’ queries doesn’t only bring the visitors but also help improve the blog conversion.

Do a Site Audit Every Year

Scan your blog periodically to look for potential improvements. Do you need to delete old, irrelevant blog posts? How about changing your blog theme? Perhaps closing comments on certain posts to detract spammers is the way to go. Check your page loading speed or optimize your blog images. Blogs and niche sites need audits from time to time; don’t orphan your site or old blog posts. I have been updating old content on this blog as I learned this from niche site experts on YouTube, and it has been quite good so far.

Pay Close Attention to Influencers’ Content

Building relationships and following influencers often help us learn new things. I have learned so much from various influencers in the niche sites’ building niche. Not only do I listen to several podcasts, but I’m also subscribed to various YouTube channels. In other words, I’m paying close attention to influencers’ content wherever I can. When you’re in the pursuit of getting blog traffic through content and SEO, keeping your eyes open is a must.

Are You Ready to Publish Articles that Get Traffic?

I have published hundreds of articles across dozens of blogs, and only a handful of them got a massive influx of traffic over time. If you aren’t solving real-life, human problems, you aren’t going to attract meaningful traffic.

Do you know getting traffic to a blog isn’t difficult at all? You can pick any random viral topic and write a few pieces on it, and you’re all set to get hundreds of visitors over time. Does getting such visitors on your site make a difference? The answer is no.

Instead, what you should do is to try to get the right visitors, meaning the audience that wants to know what you’re sharing with the world — this way, you’d land the right visitors on your blog.

I’m hopeful that you’re ready to publish articles that will get traffic.