Tips to Optimize Your Content for Any Social Media Platform – Infotechblogging

Optimizing for social networks is pertinent to overcoming social media algorithms.

Businesses can take away many things from social media algorithms as far as social media marketing (SMM) is concerned.

The key to social media optimization is the realization that when it comes to SMM user engagement matters the most. Target that, and you will see loads of traffic being driven to your website and enjoy better ranking in users’ feeds.

In fact, we have a detailed blog on How Social Media Algorithms Work. Do check it out!

To garner the attention of your target audience leverage paid advertising opportunities on social platforms to boost the outreach and visibility of your campaign on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, etc.

At the same time, leveraging the latest digital marketing strategies and data analytics may help turn your paid campaigns into high returning investments.

However, as algorithms become smarter with each passing day, the impetus falls on relevance, recency, and resonance, the three attributes that can make or break your content marketing strategies on social media networks.

7 Tips to Optimize your Content for any Social Media Platform

1. Create Short Videos

2. Create Engaging Content

3. Humanize your Brand

4. Share User-Generated Content

5. Reply to Customers’ Comments

6. Share News Articles

7. Offer a Sneak-Peek into your Business

1. Create Short Videos

Video content is a hot favorite right now among consumers. Creating and publishing short videos can stimulate qualified leads by 66% and promote brand engagement.

Why short videos?

Short videos are easier to consume even when a user is short on time. While sifting through social media feeds, the attention span is near zero seconds. Short videos provide the opportunity to grab the user’s attention.

You may also want to engage your followers. Facebook’s live stream is the best way to do so. Those who miss out can catch up later with your video as it remains available for viewing after the live session is over.

In the process, you get real metrics to implement in your future video marketing strategy.

2. Create Engaging Content

Content needs to evoke user interaction for it to rank well on social media. User interaction is usually measured in terms of likes, comments, shares your content receives.

Content can be engaging and interactive only if it resonates with your target audience. Publishing such content boosts ranking and features more frequently in users’ feeds.

Brand loyalty is tied to how engaging your content is. You can cement it further if you publish more interactive content on regular basis.

See to it that you diversify the content by posting:

  • Polls and quizzes
  • Live interviews
  • Company Q&A
  • Photo captioning contests

3. Humanize your Brand

As humans, we’re emotional beings and yearn for humor to keep us motivated. Touching the emotional and humorous cords give your brand a humanistic touch.

See to it, therefore, that you post funny memes whenever the occasion is just right and your audience can afford a ROFL moment.

The same goes for an emotional video, just try to evoke the right kind of emotions. A brand cannot be humanized better in any other way.

Such kinds of posts give your brand its viral moments as they generate more likes, comments, and shares.

4. Share User-Generated Content

Another tricky way to optimize your content for social media is re-posting or sharing content created by other users on social media.

User-Generated Content can be anything: a meme, a video, a photo, even a screenshot, it just needs to be captivating.

How exactly does it help your cause?

Well, I guess it’s not hard to figure that out! What happens when you share the content of another user is that it catches the attention of the original creator, or in a more favorable case, the attention of the creator’s followers who then engage with the post.

In other words, you ride on the popularity of someone else’s post to further your efforts of improving the brand awareness. Along with it, your content, too, soon catches up.

However, the whole thing has to be done respectfully by giving the original creator due credit and not distorting his/her content in an unethical manner.

Nothing complex about this, it’s a simple strategy that yields great results. After this strategy is implemented, you will revel in the fact to have won customer loyalty.

So, every time users comment on your posts, see to it that a timely reply is given most courteously. And try to drag the conversation further.

However, there’s another way to start conversations on social media, comment on consumers’ posts. Like and share their posts, of course, posts should have some sort of relevance to your business.

So, keep interacting with your customers, it will help popularise your content as customers return the favor of comments.

6. Share News Articles

Impress upon your followers that you care by sharing news articles. Keeping up with the latest news in your industry establishes your brand authority.

Your social media followers just may want to seek more of it if they find news articles helpful to them in some way or is relevant to their interests.

7. Offer a Sneak-Peek into your Business

Businesses are not just about things. There are real people involved who produce those things. For example, your customers may want to know more about the chef whose delicacies they like the most.

Offer a short kitchen tour to show them how their favorite dish is prepared. All of this helps humanize your business. And it’s the best way to introduce your staff to your followers.

Setting a day for staffers to post their content, offering an insider’s view of the office or a workplace tour, also serves to grab the attention of your followers.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.