Best Practices to Secure Your WordPress Website Theme and Plugins

WordPress is the most preferred blogging platform and is used by millions of people around the globe. It is easy to use and manage and has a lot of features. WordPress has gained popularity due to the fact that it has a large community of active contributors and developers. The fact that it is free and open source is also a big plus.

WordPress website security is one of the most important aspects of running a website. Not only is it important to protect your business data, but attackers are constantly searching for ways to attack your website. Fortunately, there are a number of simple steps you can take to make your website more secure.

Plugins are a key part of website security. Many site owners don’t know how to protect their plugins or even how to find the right plugins for their website. In this post, we will provide you with a list of the 16 best practices for securing your WordPress site.

Aside from following basic security practices such as not leaving your website publicly accessible, using strong passwords, and encrypting your data, there are a few more things you can do to improve the security of your themes and plugins.

1. Make use of a Secure Hosting Platform

The first step in securing your WordPress website is finding a secure hosting platform. With the hundreds of hosts offering hosting packages for WordPress, you may be confused about which one to go for. But one of the most important factors when choosing a WordPress hosting provider is their security in order to provide a safe web environment for a website.

Nowadays, hackers and cybercrime are on the rise, and people are actually paying extra money to get the best protection via a secure hosting platform. With the use of WordPress, your website can be hacked due to a vulnerable plugin, an outdated version of WordPress, the use of a bad hosting service, etc. Hackers scan the internet to find vulnerable websites. If they find one, they just hack into it and can take control of your website. If you choose a good hosting service and a secure web platform, you can prevent your website from getting hacked.

2. Add Security Plugins

After you have found a secure web hosting platform, it is important to install the appropriate security plugins such as Sucuri security or Wordfence security. A security plugin is a great way to shield your website from malicious attacks. It can scan your site for potential vulnerabilities and help you fix them before any damage is done.

3. Changing Default Username

Changing your default username for WordPress is a good way to protect your account and keep your information safe. By default, WordPress sets the username to “admin” when you create a new account. This username is visible to anyone who logs in to your account, and it’s easy for someone else to access your website or blog if they have access to your login information.

It is important to keep your plugins updated so that you are protected from the latest threats. This can be done by subscribing to relevant plugin newsletters or checking for plugin updates automatically.

Make sure to always update your themes to the latest versions available. This will help to eliminate any potential vulnerabilities that may exist.

6. Modify the URL of the WordPress Login Page

It is a good idea to change your WordPress login page URL in order to make your site more secure. You can use the WPS Hide Login plugin. This plugin will change the URL of the login page.

A password manager is an essential tool for protecting your passwords and personal information. Password management tools help you to keep track of all of the passwords for different accounts on your website, including your user accounts and plugin accounts. This way, you’ll be able to protect yourself from any unauthorised access or data theft.

8. Only Install Plugins & Themes from Reputable Sources

When it comes to installing plugins and themes, it is important to make sure that you are installing them from safe and reliable sources. This means choosing sources that have a good history of security and customer support.

9. Enable Two-factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication is a security measure that helps protect your account from unauthorised access. By requiring users to enter both their username and password, thieves will be stopped from taking over your account without detection.

10. Keep Backups of all your Data

It’s always a good idea to keep backups of all your data, especially if you use plugins or themes that require user input (like contact forms). If something goes wrong, you can easily restore your site without losing any data.

11. Keep an Eye on the News

Read WordPress blogs and keep an eye on the news for any new developments relating to website security threats. This way, you will be able to stay up-to-date on any new trends or methods that could be used to attack or exploit your sites.

12. Prevent Brute force attacks

Brute force attacks are attacks where a hacker tries to log in to your WordPress site using many different usernames and passwords in a short period of time. By locking down your site against brute force attacks, you can protect yourself from someone trying to attack your account in an attempt to gain access to your site’s content or data.

To prevent brute force attacks, never share your password with anyone, and make sure to use a strong password that is unique to your site. Your site password is at least 15 characters long. Use numbers, uppercase, lowercase, and at least two symbols. Make sure the login page is protected by a security plugin.

To prevent brute force attacks, you can install and activate the All In One WP Security & Firewall. This plugin will limit login attempts to a number that you specify and will send an email notification if someone tries to log in using a password that is not currently saved in your account.

13. Activate the SSL Certificate

Generally, SSL certificates are available for free on all major hosting providers. It is always a good idea to secure your WordPress site with an SSL certificate. This will help protect your website from potential attacks and data interception. SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) is a security protocol used to create an encrypted connection between your web server and the internet. When you activate an SSL certificate, it will automatically encrypt all of your website’s traffic, protecting it from being intercepted by third-party hackers.

To activate an SSL certificate for your WordPress website, you will need to visit the hosting provider’s website and follow the instructions provided.

Depending on your hosting provider, activating an SSL certificate may be free or relatively cheap. In most cases, installing and activating an SSL certificate is a simple process that can be done in just a few minutes. Once activated, your website will be automatically verified by Google and other major search engines as being secure.

If you’re looking to safeguard your website’s security and ensure that your visitors are always protected from potential online threats, I would highly recommend activating an SSL certificate. It’s a simple process that can have a big impact on the safety and reputation of your business.

14. Disable Directory Browsing

Disabling directory browsing is a great security best practice for WordPress. This will protect your site from malicious users who could exploit vulnerabilities in your WordPress installation to gain access to files and folders of your website. Disabling directory browsing will also help to protect your site against Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks.

15. Modify the Default Database Prefix

One of the best ways to protect your WordPress website is to change your default database prefix. This setting determines the name of the database used by WordPress and should be changed whenever a new WordPress installation is made. By default, WordPress uses the name wp_ (for example, wp_posts), but this can easily be guessed by cybercriminals. By using a more secure database name, you make it more difficult for them to access your site’s data.

16. Turn off the Theme and Plugin Editor

The theme and plugin editor is a feature that allows you to edit theme and plugin files directly on your WordPress site. It enabled by default. This can be risky if someone obtains access to your site, as they could edit these files to malicious effect. It is best practice to turn off the theme and plugin editor.

/** To do that, open your wp-config.php file and write the following code: *//** Disable File Editor */define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true );/** Disable File Modifications */define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );/** Save the wp-config.php file. */

We hope this blog helps you secure your WordPress themes and plugins against vulnerabilities. If you have any other precautions that you would like to share, leave a comment in the section below! Happy Securing!