New to Dating Apps and Sites? Follow These Important Steps

The app and online dating world can seem a bit overwhelming at first, especially if you’re new on the scene. However, there are five clear steps that you can take right now to turn this way of meeting people into a real success that enables you to find your true match in every sense.  

Pick the right dating app and site for you.

There are numerous dating apps and sites from which to choose, and it can be a bit challenging to figure out which one (or ones) you should join. However, in order to select the best dating app and site for you, it’s highly important to think about your dating priorities and non-negotiables so that you can pick a service that’s directly in line with your needs and desires. For example, are you looking to meet someone with a certain religious background? If so, there are dating apps and sites specifically designed for this very purpose. Along these lines, if you’re interested in meeting someone who’s a vegetarian, a vegan, has a Facebook friend (or multiple Facebook friends) in common with you and/or is a diehard gamer, there’s an app or site for you as well. Additionally, it’s up to you to decide if you want to join a paid dating app or site or if you’d prefer to use a free service instead. 

Make your profile pop.

Once you’ve selected the dating apps and sites that align with your needs, priorities and interests, the next step is to focus on your profile itself. First, it’s important to select your favorite photos of yourself so that you can present your best self to potential matches. And while you may love group shots with your entire squad, it’s key to select solo pics of yourself so that someone viewing your profile can instantly know which one is you. In addition, when it comes to writing a dating profile and deciding what you should include in your bio, you should focus on what makes you special and unique. For instance, are you into horseback riding? Do you enjoy going to concerts? Do you love to travel? Are you a dog or cat person? Remember, in order to make a great first impression with your profile and catch the eye of potential matches, you should focus on what makes you…well…you! 

Match, message and then meet.

As soon as you start matching with others on these dating apps and sites, it’s important that you reach out to the people who pique your interest. And rather than merely typing, “Hey,” or “Hi there,” a great icebreaker is to directly reference something in his or her profile that caught your attention. In addition, once you start sending and receiving messages with other people, another key tip is to try to meet in person once you’ve established a rapport with each other. In fact, rather than messaging back and forth for days (or even weeks) and drawing things out needlessly, meeting in person can let you know right away if you’re attracted to and/or interested in this person. But if you’re constantly messaging and delaying the meeting process, it’s possible that the chemistry that’s present on the dating app or site just isn’t there IRL—and it’s better to find out sooner rather than later.

Keep an open mind.

Another important step in the dating app and site process is to be more open-minded. In fact, if you see someone’s profile and you could go either way (or swipe either way), it’s in your best interest to give this person the benefit of the doubt. And rather than prejudging someone and instantly writing him or her off, there’s absolutely no harm in matching with more people because you just never know and have nothing to lose. After all, the information provided by others on these dating apps and sites can sometimes be incomplete, brief and/or vague, and it’s important to keep that in mind before you completely toss someone aside right away.

Have fun!

While dating can seem a bit daunting, unnerving and slightly stressful, especially in light of this new way of meeting potential matches, it’s critical that you remember to have a good time and enjoy yourself. After all, if you view dating as a chore, a necessary evil and/or a waste of time, you’re unlikely to find the positive results that you’re seeking because of your negative attitude. On the flip side, if you have an optimistic mindset and view dating as enjoyable rather than deplorable, you’re one step closer towards finding that perfect person who’ll actually be the reason that you end up leaving these dating apps and sites for good in every way.