Best Financial Web Design in 2022 | InfoTechBlogging

Last time we checked, money was quite a big deal. It’s a subject that should be taken seriously – and the same goes for financial websites. Would you feel comfortable investing your money through a poorly crafted, unprofessional website? We doubt it.

So what makes great finance web design? As we said, websites in the finance sector should aim to be taken seriously. The designs need to inspire trust, offer security, and display expertise.

To provide you with some inspiration, we’ve collected six of our favourite examples of finance web design. We’ve also thrown together some top tips to help you get started.

Don’t have the time? Not to worry – simply fill in the form at the top of the page, and we’ll match you with some of the best web design agencies around.

For everyone else, let’s get started with our best financial web design examples…

What’s on this page?

  • 01 | The best financial web design examples
  • 02 | Financial web design tips
  • 03 | Expert verdict

1. Hoverex

This may be a website for a cryptocurrency adviser, but there’s no need for any decryption here – it’s a simply amazing piece of work. Taking you on a voyage through the galaxy, you’ll come across responsive designs and phenomenal visuals.

Essentially, as the name suggests, hovering over and clicking stuff will result in something cool. When a website is this impressive, you know you can trust the brand behind it.

See the website here.

2. Reinventure Capital

With a half full glass of water (or half empty, depending on how you look at it) backed up by swathes of whitespace, Reinventure Capital’s website boasts a unique design. However, your curiosity is quenched immediately thanks to its clever copywriting.

With this design, it’s clear what the Reinventure Capital ethos is – the company wants to reinvent investment, and this design matches that vision. It’s clear, innovative, and memorable, which is everything investors should strive to be.

See the website here.

3. Startup Lab

Where do we start? There’s so much to love about this Norweigan brand’s website. The simple three-square, red and grey design, backed up by whitespace, gives a sleek, contemporary feel.

However, the typography design gets all the plaudits – it has hover-activated motion design, so it’s a fun user experience wherever you click. It’s also simple to use, which is what you want from a startup investment brand.

4. Credit Karma

Credit scores can be scary. Credit Karma’s site is not. This website is transparent from the start, explaining what the company is and how it works. The overall user journey is laid out well, guiding you step by step as you scroll down, all with easily digestible imagery to accompany the text.

Its web design is consistent, clear and enjoyable, with lovely green CTAs dotted throughout. A very friendly experience overall, which is ideal for sensitive topics like credit ratings.

See the website here.

5. Kapitall

This website is capitalism at its funnest. Using a playful theme with colourful icons and a relaxed tone throughout, Kapitall makes investments feel like your favourite video game.

You can scroll down to watch an introductory video or read some testimonials, but we particularly love the bright orange CTA button, ‘Play the market’. It’s worth investing some time just to play around on the site.

See the website here.

6. Johnson Financial Group

Sitting on the more serious end of the web design spectrum, Johnson Financial Group’s website uses dark, eye-catching colour schemes, while perfecting a fixed background scrolling effect.

This is when the background image remains still, while the forefronted images move, resulting in a smooth, user-friendly transition down the page. The mismatched typeface adds a splash of welcome quirkiness, too. Overall, a great all-rounder.

Financial web design tips

Stay simple

Starting with the simple stuff, you should keep your web design, well, simple. If your website is straightforward and free from clutter, your business will appear to be the very same – and that’s what customers are looking for when it comes to investing, or financial advice.

The best way to keep designs simple is to use whitespace (in other words, a white background), with strong, contrasting colours to highlight your important areas like menus, FAQs, and client lead forms. Also, remember to stick to your brand colours throughout your website to maintain consistency and appear professional.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with adventurous web design. As long as your visitors don’t get lost or confused, using cool and quirky design features can go a long way to impressing clients and building relationships.

Be mobile friendly

These days, approximately half of all internet traffic is mobile, which makes having a mobile responsive website an absolute must for any respectable financial brand. If your website doesn’t format well, or simply doesn’t look good on a smartphone, you’re going to lose customer interest.

It’s not just clients you need to impress with a mobile friendly website, either. Google ranks mobile friendly websites higher than non-mobile friendly websites on its search results page, because it wants user friendly sites to be found more easily by internet users. Therefore, designing a mobile friendly site should also bring more clicks to your financial website.


48% of people believe a website’s design it the no.1 factor in determining the credibility of a business.

Explain through video and imagery

Financial services can be tricky to understand at times. Using an explanatory video, or series of images, can go a long way to helping visitors get to grips with your brand. This is particularly useful when discussing jargon-filled industries like cryptocurrency and investment banking.

However, you should not design your videos to automatically start playing when someone clicks on your website. That’s just annoying for the visitor, and reflects badly on your brand. Instead, allow visitors to play the video whenever they feel they need an explanation. After all, whether a website’s design is successful or not depends on how positive the user experience is.

Use strong CTAs

A call to action involves asking the website visitor to carry out an action by clicking a button or link. For example, ‘Start Your Free Trial’ is one of the most common CTAs for subscription-based businesses.

When designing your CTAs, make sure you use strong colours and direct language. Some of the most popular colours for a CTA button are bright pink or green, because they are eye-catching and positive. However, when picking a colour, think about your brand’s themes and find one that complements (or contrasts with) your website.

Expert verdict

Now you know that it definitely pays to have a well-designed website for your finance business. Your website should inspire trust, feel secure, and show high levels of professionalism.

This can be done in many ways, such as keeping your design simple, using explanatory videos, using clear CTAs, and designing a mobile-friendly website. All you need to do is invest some time, and you’ll have a finance website to be proud of.

Ready to get started with some professional help? Simply fill in this form with your requirements, and you’ll hear from trusted web design agencies that’ll be able to create a great website for your financial services business. It only takes a minute!

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