Top 10 killer tips to boost your blog traffic | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Top 10 killer tips to boost your blog traffic

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

This post has been written for the bloggers who are not getting enough pageviews on their

blog. Today, there are many bloggers on the web. You will find many people on web who

knows nothing about blogging and they are just copying content from other blogs and post

on their blog. Web is full of bloggers. You will thousands of blog on a single word search

on Google. The main reason is that Google provides a free blog service. Well, i also made

my blog at blogspot. The point of writing a long paragraph is that blogging is getting 

advanced today. Your blog cannot survive if you don’t make it up to date. In order to be

on top of all blogs, you must do some extraordinary. I have seen many bloggers who

made their blog popular in just 2 years. You can also make your blog Popular but you

need to work hard on your blog and pay serious attention to it. 

I am discussing some killer tips to Boost your Blog Traffic

This is the basic key of opening the traffic on your blog. Content means a lot for a visitor. If

you copy content from other blogs and paste it on your blog then your are a spammer and

Google hate spams. You can take the post titles from other blogs but do not copy content

from other blogs or you will be banned by Google. You blog content must be original and

must not contain any copyrights issues. To check your blog content originality, i suggest

you to use copyscape at least once a week. This will protect your blog from plagiarism.

Your post should be unique a d should not contain any copied material.

This is another major trick to get a lot of traffic. Using a good title for a post is a great way

to boost traffic. As you know, Google search the posts by keywords so you have a good

chance to make your blog on top top of Google search result. About all around the world,

people us Google.

They very rarely open a blog and search there. Mostly people search keywords on

Google and then select a top numbered blog from search result. You can get your blog

listed there. 

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How to use Google Adwords?

All you have to do us to use Google keywords tool i.e Adwords. Using Google Adwords

in your blog post titles and content is best way to get traffic from Google. You can find

keywords there by searching them and you can also get the best rated keyword from

there. Google Adwords helps you to find keywords for your blog posts. So i would

suggest to use it to drive traffic. Your post tiles should atleast contain 3-4 keywords.

Post title should not be more than 66 words because Google wont track the post having

title more than 66 words, so take care of that. 

Your Post title should be attractive so that visitor might open you post while searching

on Google. You should choose a unique title eg: ‘ Killer tips to increase Pagerank’.

As i stated earlier, post optimization is very important to drive traffic on blog. 

Post optimization includes following point:
Post length plays an important role in optimisation. If you write posts on technology or

write product reviews, then post length is the key to make your posts attractive. It’s not

necessary if you post blogger widgets on your blog

Using keywords inside a post is a great way to drive traffic through Google. Use 

Adwords tool to find effective keywords and write these keywords in your posts.

Where to place these Keywords in Post?

The answer is simple. Google displays only 3-4 lines of post description in search results. 

All you have to do is to place minimum of 4-5 keywords in first three lines of content of

post. This would help Google to find your post quickly and allow it to list it on the top of


This is another best method to drive traffic to your blog. 

You have to make your visitor subscribe to your  blog. This would give you and visitor both

advantage as whenever you will publish a post. The post link will be emailed to your visitor

and he will open it through link. This would increase your blog pageviews.

How to make a visitor subscribe your blog?

It’s simple!  If you share blogger widget or template on your blog then you can use 

‘subscribe to download’ method. Ask visitor to subscribe your blog first and then write

his email in comments and then you can send the code to him using the email given

in comments.

You can also make people subscribe to blog by placing subscribe widgets below posts or

in sidebar so that when a visitor read your post he may subscribe to you.

Here’s another new way to boost your blog’s traffic. There are many online applications 

which you can use to drive traffic to your blog.

Below are some good online applications you can use
Slideshare is a big online community

where you can create slide shows and

share it with community.You can embed

this slideshow on your blog.

By using this method you can get traffic

from double source i.e you blog &


Snapchat is another mobile application which can be use

for the promotion of blog. By using snapchat, you can

create flash messages and sms it to people.You can make a

puzzle and send it to people in such a way that it could be

only displayed to people for only 10 seconds. You cab also

create offers. You can use it efficiently to drive traffic to your


Using social media on your Blog is a great way to get traffic. As social media are getting

Popular, people are using social sites. Around 90% of World’s People Use Social Media

Sites so using social media for your Blog Promotion is a great way. 

You must have to place social media buttons on your Blog.

Below are Some Popular Social Media which will help you to Promote your Blog

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Google Plus
  • Digg
  • StumbleUpon

Make account on all of these social sites and add people to your Account. Make your Blog

Page and Post your Content link there regularly. You can also use some automatic online

service which will post your Link automatically.

Featured Post:

Connect Blogger with Social Sites

That’s All! I hope you will apply this tutorial on your Blog. Kindly Ask your Questions In

Below Comments.

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About This Blog:
InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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