Improve your Blog Search Engine Ranking By Meta Tags | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Improve your Blog Search Engine Ranking By Meta Tags

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

Today I am Sharing with you a great trick to Increase your Blog ranking but you need to do some hard work to apply this trick. Meta Tags are very important for a blog as it help the Blog to Find your Blog in Search Results and It also helps you to Increase you to improve your Seo. But the trick i am sharing will increase your Page Rnak and Improve your Seo Rapidly. This trick is not Difficult.

Can’t Understand??

I’ll Explain to you!

You have applied Meta Tags on your Blogger Template and They are Indexed by Google Crawlers but You can also Place meta Tags for your Each Posts so that Google Find your Posts Easily in Search Results. By Placing Meta Tags on your Each Post, Google will Index your Posts Keywords More Rapidly and You will get a lot of Page Views From Search Engines.

Adding Meta Tags on Each Post is easy but if you have already Posted Huge Posts, then this will be difficult task for you to add Meta Tags to your Previous Posts.

  • Write Your Blog Posts and Publish It
  • Then open your Published Post and Copy the Url of That Post
  • Go to Your Blog’s Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Find tag by Pressing Ctrl+F Button.
  • Paste the Below Code Above tag.

  • Change YOUR POST DESCRIPTION with your Post Description
  • Change YOUR POST KEYWORDS with your Post Keywords
  • Change URL OF Selected Post with your Post Url your Have Copied in Above Steps

Note: You Have to Paste this Meta tags Again and Again in your Template for your Each Post.

If you have 100 Posts Published, Copy the Above Code and Paste it 100 Times In your Blog.

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InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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