5 Ways To Get More Comments on your Post | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: 5 Ways To Get More Comments on your Post

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

When you write a post, you might want to get comments on it. Today i am sharing some useful tips which would help you to get a lot of comments on your blog. Comments makes your more attractive and they help you to build a community as well as permanent visitors.

Below I am sharing Five tips to get more Comments on your Blog Post.

The first point i am going to share is that when u post an article. Write “Comments are Appreciated” or something like that in Comments to make a good impression on visitor and he would comment on your post.

When you write an article, you might have seen that some people ask you to write a post on some specific article or they demand some widget placed on your blog in comments. Well, this is a good way to get their trust. You have to Fulfill the people’s demands and they might love your blog.

This is a Most Important Tip to get more comments on a singls post. You must reply quick to visitor and hence you can start conversation with visitor in comments and hence your comments will boost up in this way.

Using Comment Luv System on your Blog is a great way to get huge comments because newbies always like to comments on comment luv blogs to get backlinks so you can get a lot of comments from this method.

This tips helps you to get some extra comments on your blog. Write Announcements about  something exciting eg: wedding, blog ranking etc and visitor will write comments on your announcement post. 

I hope this Article has helped you to get more comments on your blog.

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InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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