Social Media Tools You Need in Your Arsenal | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Social Media Tools You Need in Your Arsenal

Written By Mike

It is arguably a no-brainer that social media is THE platform for brands for maximizing their reach beyond constraints and boundaries. And as its relevance keeps on growing by the day, the social media tools also keep inflating in numbers as well as in their utility.
So, you have a whole suite of social media tools to try your hands on, and unlike the other trial tools, there are hardly any risks involved. Using a random social media tool to promote your website will in worst case scenario not bring the expected results. But it won’t affect your site negatively. 

So, here are some social media tools you need to adopt:

As the name suggests, Tagboard keeps a tab on the keywords that have a hashtag attached to them on the social media channels. Apparently, the hashtags are used in the major social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and Google Plus.

What this tool does is that it coalesces the conversations happening around those hash tags and puts it on a board for your consideration. This tool is specifically useful for folks who want to keep an eye on how their brand is being perceived by their potential customers. Also, you can monitor your competitor’s success based on those keywords. Moreover, you can get a better idea of what should the topics that you can spin around in respect to those keywords by scrolling through what is being talked about there.

Buffer is an all-encompassing tool that lets you handle different social media platforms with just a few clicks. You can use Buffer to schedule your posts on platforms like FB, Twitter and Google+ and it will also give you an access to analytics, ensuring that you know if a certain strategy is working or if certain kind of posts aren’t getting you clicks.

For the folks who actively promote their content on Twitter, ManageFlitter comes as a great ally. This is an exceptional tool that hands you over with control regarding the kind of accounts you need to follow or unfollow, or how you can find people who belong to the same industry as yours. This tool searches for the bios and looks for relevant keywords to gauge if a certain bio fits your business. Also, it drives out the inactive accounts so that you don’t have an account in your “Following” list that does not offer any value. Also, it gives you a fair idea about the time window within which you should schedule your updates in order to ensure that they are seen by a greater chunk of your audience.

Blog commenting is one of the most essential ways to get some traffic to your site. also, the conversations around your brand that you can facilitate through the commenting purpose can really make your brand a talked about brand, even if within a smaller circle of people. Look for the latest news item around the articles you post on your website and comment on those news items while appending the URL to your posts.

Of course, it has to be done in the most clever way possible so that your comment is not deleted by the moderator. Disqus has a great platform which facilitates using any account you have on Internet among Facebook, Google, Twitter, etc. Registering on Disqus is a matter of not more than a few seconds and once you are signed up, you can comment on a million websites which have a Disqus comment system enabled.

I combine these four tools because just about everyone knows how priceless each of these is. But there still are people who struggle to promote their brand effectively through these platforms and thus complain about the lack of results. On these platforms you can find a number of groups and communities build around different topics that your brand suffices to. \join these groups and start conversations around the products you offer and also include some specifics to your brand. Posting URL to your website is something you can do without any fuss and with an assurance that you will get good number of clicks.

In the company of so many tools, your brand can prosper and progress with just the right kind of application.

That’s All!

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About Author:
Mike is a blogger by mood and web designer by profession. He gives ideas to Convert Photoshop to WordPress theme and loves to share his thoughts on social media. You can log in to his web to get various other PSD to Joomla theme conversion services.