What are Meta Tags And How to Use It | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: What are Meta Tags And How to Use It

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

Meta Tags are very important for a blog, they help Search Engines to find your Blog. Using Meta Tags on your Blog is a great way to improve Search Engine Ranking and this will improve your Blog’s Seo.
Meta tags are HTML element used to provide Structured metadata about a Blog.In simple,Meta tags are your Blog Description and Keywords which are Placed in tag of your Blog to  help Search Engine to find your Blog Keywords during Search.

Meta tags are hidden and cannot be  seen on Posts or Homepage but they are hidden and can only be seen in Search Engine Results.You can add your Blog Description and Keywords in Meta Tags . Meta Tags provides  description and Keywords of Your Blog to Search Engine. You can easily add meta tags to your Blog.

You can see the Below image of my Blog Description appearing in Search Results.

You can see the Below Image of My Template Section where i have added these Meta Tags

So these lines appear on Search Results. I have also Added Keyword so that Google Find My Blog easily when someone search my Blog Post.

By using Meta Tags efficiently, you can improve your Blog Seo and Ranking. Meta Tags are placed in   section of your Blog but remember! you should not add meta tags to Post and Pages because this will not help Google to find your Blog post. You should only Add meta tags to  Homepage. You can also add meta tags to your all posts one by one to improve Search Engine  Ranking.

Meta tags are Easy to Add, Jsut follow the Below Instructions to Add Meta Tags to your Blog

  • Log-In to Blogger
  • Go to Template Section
  • Click Edit Html
  • Find tag and Place the Below code Just Below tag
  • Change YOUR BLOG DESCRIPTION with Your Blog Description

Note: your Blog description should not be more than 85-90 Words

  • Change YOUR BLOG KEYWORDS with you Blog Keywords, Separate Keywords by Comma.
  • Change AUTHOR NAME with Your Blog’s Author Name

Note: Do not remove the bold lines if you want the Meta Tags to Appear only in Homepage

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InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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