Make your Blog Comments Nofollow | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Make your Blog Comments Nofollow

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali
This tutorial will help you a lot in saving your Blog. As every blogger wants a good Google Pagerank so they comment on other blogs posts to get their Pagerank. According to Google, you can share pagerank of one post with other by internal linking. Similarly, people comment in your Blogs posts and place their blog Url in comments and they gets your Blog Pagerank shared with their Blog.

You must make your Blog Comments links nofollow so that your Blog Pagerank is not affected.

Follow the Below Instructions to Make Your Blog Comments no Follow

(1) – Go to Blogger

(2) -Log-In to your Dashboard

(3) – Go to Template Section

(4) – Click Edit Html

(5) – First find