5 Killer Tips to increase pagerank | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: 5 Killer Tips to increase pagerank

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali

Page-rank makes its important in getting page views from Google and

other search engines. Having higher page rank can boost up your Blog’s traffic. Today

i will try my best to give you some important tips on page-rank.

Page rank is an algorithm used by Google and other search engines to find the

importance of your blog’s links.

Google analyses your site and gives the rank of your page 1-10.

There are many methods your get increase your page rank and make your blog among

top ten.
Page Ranks make your blog appear on top on Google Search Results. Page Rank also

increase the importance of your blog hence you will get huge amount of traffic from

Google. It also helps you to make money easily from advertiser, advertiser always

sees the Page-rank of the blog

Today i am telling your the top tips to increase Page-rank.

Below are some great tips to increase your Google Page-rank

Google Page Ranking depends on the quality and originality of your Blog’s content. You

should write original content with no copyright issue.

Google likes the blog whose content is unique and original.

Featured Post:

Check Your Blog’s Content Originality

Your article should be of good content, You should write post with efficiency so that

Google finds your site easily.

Featured Post:

How to Write Posts Efficiently

You should place maximum keywords in your 1st paragraph of your blog post so that

Google finds your

post easily.
Internal linking helps your blog posts to attain page-rank.

How to link Exchange From Other blogs
Internal linking helps your blog posts to connect with
each other and you will also get a lot of pageviews from this technique.

This method helps Google to index your all site’s page and due to linking you will get all pages ranked.

Writing articles on High Ranked Blog is the best way to get Google Page Rank. it is also linking but with other blogs. If you write some articles on some good page ranked blogs then Google, in result will give you the Page Rank.
Can Guest Posting increase Page Rank?
Top 5 Blogs where you can write Guest Post

In order to increase page-rank, you must write 2-3 articles daily as Google like to place fresh content on SERP so updating your blog’s article daily helps you to attain Page Rank
How to Write Posts Efficiently

This is the great method to earn pagerank. Posting your article links on social sites can also bring you pageviews and likes for your blog, 

That’s all. There are some more major important tips but first you should follow these tips to get Page Rank

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