Top 2 reasons your blog will never grow | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Top 2 reasons your blog will never grow

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali
Blog Ranking plays and important role in getting your Blog on top. You must have been busy to

 improve your blog ranking but there are some resons which will stop your blog promotion. Today I

 am sharing some reasons whicch will never let your blog grow.

Having no Social Media on your Blog is a big disadvantage. Appropriate use of social media can

 boost your Blog Pageviews And these can also increase your Blog Ranking, so Connect your Blog

 posts with Social Media Sites. As Facebook is getting popular, you must have to Post your Blog post 

on Facebook as people would like it and by liking, it would be displayed on their wall and their friends

 would also see it and the process will go on. There are many other Social Sites which you must

Connect to Blogger

Use Hootsuite to Connect blogger to Social Sites Easiest Way Connect blogger to Social Sites Use Networked Blogs to Connect blogger to Social Sites

If you want huge pageviews on your Blog, your Blog should be search engine friendly. Submit your 

Blog Sitemap to Webmaster Tools and other Search Engine Directories. This would help you to get 

30-40% of your Blog Pageviews from Search Engines. Your Blog should be Search Engine Friendly

 and your Blog’s template should be Seo optimized. Become Google Verified Author and it will help

 Google to trust you. Write your posts efficiently and use good Keywords so that Google’s  find your

 Blog Easily and it will help you increase your Blog’s Page Rank. Use Meta Tags on your Blog.

Submit your Blog to Webmaster Tool Submit your Blog to Google Easiest Way to Become Google Verified Author I hope these 2 tips have helped you, Feel free to Ask any question in Below Comments

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InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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