Top 4 Social Sharing Widgets Sites | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Top 4 Social Sharing Widgets Sites

Social Sites are becoming Popular now a days and by taking advantage of it, you can boost your

 Blog pageviews. There are many Social Sharing Widgets Sites which Provides great Sharing

 widgets and Plugins. These site help you to Place beautiful sharing widgets which also may

 attract the visitor.

Today I am Sharing with you 5 good Sites which provide quality sharing Plugins

Shareaholic provides great Sharing tools for blogger. You can place their sharing widget below

 your post so that after reading the post, visitor may share this using shareaholic widget. You can

select Social sites to place on widget so that visitor might choose from these.Shareaholic also

provides recommendation widget which is really a great widget to get blog’s traffic double.
Using Addthis widgets on your Blog is a great way to Get Pageviews from social media site.

Addthis provides wide range of Social Sharing widgets which you can place anywhere in your

Blog. Using Addthis welcome bar on your Blog helps you to get clicks on your Facebook and

 Twitter Like Button, you can also place some link on your Welcomebar so that visitor might get

attracted and you will get  a click. Addthis also provide Sharing Vertical Bar Which floats on left

 side of your blog and stay contant while scrolling. Addthis also provide different variety of Social

 Sharing Widgets, They Porvides Sharing Buttons, follow buttons and Popular Posts(Trending

Content) Widget.

Sharethis also Provide great Sharing Widgets for Blogger. They Provide sharing widget which

 can be placed below post and you can get shared your Blog Post easily. ShareThis also Provides

 Trending Content Which Gives your Visitor Most Popular Posts And These Might Attract your 


You can get ShreThis widget easily by Signing Up with them Or you can also log-In using your Other


Addtoany provides share buttons which you can place on your Blog’s sidebar and above Post. 

They Provide variety of small Sharing Widgets. You may not need to Log-In to get Sharing Widget Code. It

 is Easy to Install. You will get Widget Code by Single Click or You can also use their Auto adding

 Option by Selecting Your Platform. They also have Variety of Small Subscribe Widget Bars which

 you can install on Your Blog.