Load your Blog Image 3X Faster | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Load your Blog Image 3X Faster

If you are using a background image on your blog or using high quality images in posts then you might

be in trouble about image loading time. Loading high quality/size image loads your blog slow. I am

writing this post because i also got into trouble when i place a high quality background image in blog


It was taking a long time to load. Then i got solution.

Smushit is an online service offered by Yahoo. It compresses images and did not spoiling quality of

image. So you can easily compress a lot of big size images into KB/s.

(1)- Go to Smushit
You can also Upload Image Directly By Adding Url of Image. To do this, Click On Url tab at Right. Enter

the Url of the Image you want to Compress. You can enter multiple Url in the Box but make sure that

you Paste one Url Per Line, Click ‘Smush’
Click the ‘Uploader’ tab placed at center. Click Browse and Upload your Pictures. You can upload

multiple pictures by entering the amount of pictures you want to compress.Click ‘Smush’ Button

You will be Directed to Download Page and there you can Download Images By Clicking “Download Smushed Images’ Button.

Now You will See the Sizes of Image 3 Times less than the Original Size without Damage of Quality

I hope this Tutorial Has Helped you. Kindly Ask Your Questions in Below Comments.