Where to place adsense ads | InfoTechBlogging InfoTechBlogging: Where to place adsense ads

Posted by Syed Muhammad Ali
Using Adsense on your Blog/Website is a great way to make money, You are making a lot of money from Adsense. Adsense provides different sizes ads and they allow maximum of 3 ads Per Page.
You can make a lot of Money From Adsense By using Specific Sizes and placing Ads on Specific Places. 

Adsense Analysis tells us the most successful Ad Sizes.

Below I am Listing Most Successful Ad Sizes Of Adsense and you can Make a lot of Money using 

These Ad sizes

  • 336X280 Large Rectangle
  • 300X250 Medium Rectangle
  • 728X90 Leaderboard
  • 160X600 Wide Scrapper

These are the Most Successful Ad Sizes you can Place On your Blog and get a lot of Benenfit From it.

Placing ads on your Blog meant a lot in making money. Today i sharing with you the Best Places of your Blog where you can place Adsense to get maximum exposure.

Place your Adsense Ad in the Top right corner of your Blog and It should be of 468X90 or If you have big space then you can also Placec 768X90 Banner Ad. This would help you to get Huge Clicks because visitor will first see Blog Header and Then Post

Place Adsense Banner Ads Below Header and Above Post in Homepage and Post Pages. This is the Best Place to Get your Ad clicked. Place 468X90 Banner ads or You can also place 768X90 Ads there if you have wide Space.

Place your Ads in Sidebar and you can place 300X250 Sidebar Banner or 336X280. Placing Adsense in Sidebar will help you to make More Money.

The Best place to Show Adsense inside a post is to Place Adsense Below Post Titles. I would recommend you to Place 300X250 Banner Ad or Two Ads Align in a Same Row.

Align To Ads in A Same Line

Place your Adsense Ad below Posts so that when Visitor Scrolls to End, He might see your ad and click it.

Thats All. You can also Place Link Ads on Above Posts and Below Posts to Make Money.

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InfoTechBlogging is owned by Syed Muhammad.Ali who loves to help other bloggers in starting their Blogging career. He also share Blogger Widgets and Templates.
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